Just because Jehovah had to prove His Right To Rule? I don't think so!

by liam 129 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Duran
    Yet you compared a man that brings a child into this world of suffering...with God

    It was in regard to having a 'choice' as well as 'suffering'.

    Why do parents (man/woman) make the 'choice' to bring children into a world full of 'suffering'? Is that a LOVING thing to do?

  • Duran

    Jesus is the TRUTH....He has no Sin......He cannot LIE.
    The People are sinners....they are prone to lie..........they were not doctors.
    So who do we believe? Jesus to tell the truth, or the People who said she had died?

    If we believe Jesus tells the truth, then The Girl was not dead because Jesus said so. The people who said she had died were all lying because of ignorance. That means Jesus DID NOT RESURRECT THE LITTLE GIRL.

    [49 While he was yet speaking, a representative of the presiding officer of the synagogue came, saying: “Your daughter has died; do not bother the Teacher any longer.” 50 On hearing this, Jesus answered him: “Have no fear, only have faith, and she will be saved.” 51 When he reached the house, he did not let anyone go in with him except Peter, John, James, and the girl’s father and mother. 52 But people were all weeping and beating themselves in grief for her. So he said: “Stop weeping, for she did not die but is sleeping.53 At this they began to laugh at him scornfully, because they knew she had died. 54 But he took her by the hand and called to her: “Child, get up!55 And her spirit returned, and she rose immediately, and he ordered that something be given her to eat.]

    [11 After he said these things, he added: “Lazʹa·rus our friend has fallen asleep, but I am traveling there to awaken him.12 The disciples then said to him: “Lord, if he is sleeping, he will get well.” 13 Jesus, however, had spoken about his death. But they imagined he was speaking about taking rest in sleep. 14 Then Jesus said to them plainly: “Lazʹa·rus has died, 15 and I rejoice for your sake that I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.”17 When Jesus arrived, he found that Lazʹa·rus had already been in the tomb for four days. 43 When he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice: “Lazʹa·rus, come out!” 44 The man who had been dead came out with his feet and hands bound with wrappings, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them: “Free him and let him go.”]

  • liam

    Like I said, Jesus only claimed to resurrected Lazarus when he said Plainly; "Lazʹa·rus has died"

    About the little girl, He also said Plainly; “Stop weeping, for she did not die but is sleeping."

    For someone who expects BILLIONS upon billions of people that have lived the past two thousands years, to believe some man that lived 2000 years ago, and has the power to resurrect hundreds of billions of people who have died from the time of Cave Men, with every single one of their memories intact.........IT'S ASKING A LOT base on three measly resurrections that are questionable to begin with.

    Why didn't Jesus resurrect the grandma who had been in the grave dead, for the past 30 years. Why didn't he resurrect Lazarus during one of the Jewish festivals when thousands were visiting to witness the event?

    Instead he resurrects less than three people in his entire lifetime, two that weren't even buried yet, and one in a secluded place with only friends around to witness the event.

    Would anyone today believe some man living in the Middle East living in Hamas territory, whose close friends claimed he resurrected three people......... so he is the son of God? Of course not.

    But what if some man started resurrecting thousands of people in the graves all around the world and all the media was recording LIVE the event as thousands of people that had been dead for the past hundred years were coming back to life. And the surviving relatives were testifying that IT WAS GRANDMA that had come back, Husbands testifying that it was their wife that had been resurrected. Parents testifying that it was little Johnny that had come back. Testimonies by the thousands. Live on TV. Anyone was welcome to see the next event of resurrections.

    What impact would that have on convincing people that this man performing thousands of resurrections was God or sent by God?

    If this man said; "Follow me and you will have life eternal"

    That would end all doubt and Atheist would cease to exist. Everyone would bend their knee immediately without any questions.

  • Halcon
    Duran -Why do parents (man/woman) make the 'choice' to bring children into a world full of 'suffering'? Is that a LOVING thing to do?

    I suspect human parents have varied reasons for planning and having a child. But if statistics and Elon musk are to be believed, less and less children are being born. And couples cite correctly because it's become financially unsustainable. Not to mention what you pointed out, that this world does indeed seem to be going to crap. And it isn't just the standard 'wars and famine'. There's a psychological breakdown that is becoming more prevalent. It would take a lot to convince me to intentionally bring a child into this world right now.

  • TonusOH

    Halcon: Yet the scriptures state Jesus healed a man's useless hand[...]

    So we ignore the actions that contradict the definition and only consider the ones that don't? That gives us an incomplete understanding of who god is, doesn't it?

  • Duran
    That account is found in two Gospels; Luke 8 and Mark 5. Here's my question. In Both accounts all the people at the house are crying and wailing loudly saying the girl is dead.
    Jesus tells them the girl is NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPING.

    For someone who expects BILLIONS upon billions of people that have lived the past two thousands years, to believe some man that lived 2000 years ago, and has the power to resurrect hundreds of billions of people who have died from the time of Cave Men, with every single one of their memories intact IT'S ASKING A LOT base on three measly resurrections that are questionable to begin with.
    Instead he resurrects less than three people in his entire lifetime, two that weren't even buried yet, and one in a secluded place with only friends around to witness the event.

    What impact would that have on convincing people that this man performing thousands of resurrections was God or sent by God?
    If this man said; "Follow me and you will have life eternal"

    It's found in 3 accounts, not 2.

    It seems that you are the only one questioning what a resurrection is or is not. Whether the 12-year-old girl was clinically dead or in a comatose state, she apparently was in a state that her parents could not awaken her, and Jesus came and brought her out of the state, back to a lively awoken state.

    Yet today we are talking about those 3 measly so-called resurrections from nearly 2,000 years ago. I wish I had a $1 for everyone today that believes that these 3 events took place.

  • Touchofgrey

    today we are talking about those 3 measly so-called resurrections from nearly 2,000 years ago. I wish I had a $1 for everyone today that believes that those 3 events took place.

    Can you please provide independently verified evidence that these things actually happen ,and that a miracle worker called jesus ever existed?

    The four gospels were written by unknown authors many decades after the so called events so not eyewitnes accounts.

    Mark circa 70ce ,Matthew and Luke about 80ce and john about 15 to 20 years later. And even then there aren't any complete copies till the 3rd century.

  • Duran
    Can you please provide independently verified evidence that these things actually happen ,and that a miracle worker called jesus ever existed?

    Can you ever say anything other than that over and over...

    I need not prove anything, and I never said they happened or not, I said I wish I had a $1 for everyone today that does believe they happen.

  • liam
    Can you please provide independently verified evidence that these things actually happen

    There is no verified evidence that some man 2000 years ago resurrected 3 people.

    No cameras, no videos, to record the 3 resurrections.

    They had no idea how the body works. No knowledge of the body's organs and how they function.

    They attributed most sickness and death to DEmons, Spells, the anger of the Gods or God

    On top of that, 2000 years ago, humanity lacked many modern technologies such as electricity, advanced machinery, computers, and the internet. Most tools and technologies were basic, relying on manual labor and simple mechanical devices.

    Had no idea there was viruses, bacteria. Basically they had no idea about anything. Which is why Stories like the ones in the Gospels were so popular. It was the only entertainment in the whole world.........Story-telling!

    Today we exchange those age old stories with NetFlix, Hulu, Disney, etc. Now we have Thanos who can remove half of the life in the entire Universe with a click of his fingers......and do it without inflicting any pain on the victims, or maneuvering the United Nations to coerce the armies of the world to destroy all Religion except the Watchtower religion of course.

    Yea, we've come a long way.......but we still have a long way to go.

  • Halcon
    Liam-About the little girl, He also said Plainly; “Stop weeping, for she did not die but is sleeping.

    This was Liam's original issue. If the little girl was only sleeping according to Jesus, did he resurrect her or not? Liam implied that Jesus lied.

    But Jesus also said that a man that simply looks at a woman lustfully had committed adultery with her. He also said that hating your brother was the same as murdering him.

    But if there is no physical murder, or sex as in the other case then was Jesus lying here too?

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