Flee to the Mountains......What Mountains?

by liam 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Duran
    WT teaching that the “modern fulfillment” of this fleeing to the mountains was Fleeing ,to, taking refuge in God’s Kingdom - the Mountain of Jehovah

    [82 WT- What are these symbolic mountains today? They are the divinely provided place of refuge, Jehovah’s provision for protecting his people on earth through the “great tribulation” described at Revelation 7:1, 14. They are identified with Jehovah’s theocratic organization, which is represented on earth today in the true Christian congregation.]


    The WTS/GB have no clue in regard to 'fleeing to the mountains'. That part of the prophesy serves no purpose and can't be in the future.

    In the past it saved the lives of those that fled. They were out when Rome came in.

    For the future, the GB claim the GT starts when 8th king, and nations turn on BTG. They say when that happens, that because JWs are not part of BTG, then that means JWs/WTS are not affected at first.

    Okay, let's say that is the case. Well, at that point no such fleeing will be needed yet.

    Moving on, then they say after BTG had been turned on and the 8th king and nations see JWs carrying on, then they will turn on them.

    Okay, let's say that is the case. Well, there still is no need and nowhere to flee to at that point. If you are already a JW at that time (in the right mountain) carrying on to the point you now get turned on by the 8th king, how/where could any such fleeing occur?

    Also, they state that at that time all WTS property will be taken away. So again, how do you flee in the future and to where do you go?

    The reality is according to the Scriptures (true or not, it's what is written), is when the 8th king comes to power (due to the nations given their power), this will be the point when everything said in regard to the MOTB, etc. will take place.

    All people, including JWs will be faced to support or reject the 8th king. If one rejects the 8th king, they will find themselves unable to buy and sell and end up being either killed or in captivity. And many even dying in captivity. This is why it is limited/cut short/given an appointed time of 42 months. That period is what the GT is. It comes upon on those rejecting the 8th king.

    Those that support the 8th king will be under his authority but will be surviving/thriving based on their support of.

    After that allowed time, the tables turn, and Jesus comes. He does away with the 8th king and all that supported him. He (Jesus) resurrects (first) the chosen ones that will rule with him that the 8th king killed. The surviving ones that rejected the 8th king are the GC that come out of the GT.

    Satan is abyssed, and then at some point the resurrecting begins in whatever amount and frequency it will occur. These once resurrected join with the GC and live under the kingdom rule of Jesus and his chosen to rule with him.

    Fairy tale? Maybe!

    Dudes trippin, writing stuff down for future idiots to argue about? Maybe!

    But that is what is said.

    If it is true, what I will find entertaining, is when there are JWs that reject the MOTB/8th king, and they find themselves in captivity with others that outnumber them and are from all other religions. That's when they will find out that they were no more the true region than any other. If they find themselves being part of the GC at the end, it won't be because they were a JW before that point. It will be because they rejected the 8th king. That will be the case for all in there. (In fact, JWs are in a bad position and most of them are likely to take the MOTB/support the 8th king, because their GB do not warn them about this being the future situation being faced. They do say the UN/8th king is the DT, so they may at some point soon or at the last minute before the 'last hour' begins, they might change to warning about this. But they will never admit to learning about this from reading so-called apostate's sites like this one. LOL! Actually, the WTS/GB already know they are not the only one true religion and that it is really all religions that are in the same boat.)

    The field is the world, the field is not one religion today. Wheatlike people are all over the world now as well as weedlike people. People can claim whatever they want now about their beliefs, but if they support the 8th king when that time comes, their claims meant nothing, they end up dead, proving not to be wheat.

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