redvip " I know you somehow think you are defending a minority....."
You are correct. I believe minority is the individual, (which happens to be the majority ) And if the leader of my country droped a bomb on " Hiroshima "I should ask myself
A) is that an act of terroisam or an act of war?
And as a citizen of that country, I should ask myself :-
B) how much am I responsible for that act?
Why is this question important?
Despite the obvious, but also because this country continued to drop bombs, not 10 or 15, but tens of thousands of bombs, and they are still being dropped by the country of the individual citizen. And the fact is many innocent people have been killed by these bombs. There is no attic to hide under, people are killed, even children have been thrown out the window, and broken bones splattered in the street.
I can reply like a true gentleman, " Those bombs were all fully justified" but true gentlemen , snore and fart, and don't have their child wrapped up in their arms when those bombs were dropped. So I instead reply, like most individuals " I don't want those bombs to be dropped" and personally I accept sometimes we must spit, and fart but never should we " snore".
I believe in humanity, and never will I fall from the spheres and beyond and underneath that level, despite what the leaders of my country, a religion or an ideology does to oppose my conscience.