Old Dr. Diesel?s Invention was originally designed to run on various fuels inc. vegetable oil so farmers could grow their own fuel. Under the European CAP we pay some farmers not to grow anything! Obcene really.
Extract from: http://www.veggievan.org/
Dr. Diesel?s Invention
Dr. Rudolf Diesel actually invented the diesel engine to run on a myriad of fuels including coal dust suspended in water, heavy mineral oil, and, you guessed it, vegetable oil. Dr. Diesel?s first engine experiments were catastrophic failures. But by the time he showed his engine at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900, his engine was running on 100% peanut oil. Dr. Diesel was visionary.
In 1911 he stated ?The diesel engine can be fed with vegetable oils and would help considerably in the development of agriculture of the countries which use it.? In 1912, Diesel said, ?The use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant today. But such oils may become in course of time as important as petroleum and the coal tar products of the present time.? Since Dr. Diesel?s untimely death in 1913, his engine has been modified to run on the polluting petroleum fuel we now know as ?diesel.? Nevertheless, his ideas on agriculture and his invention provide the foundation for a society fueled with clean, renewable, locally grown fuel.