I've been undergoing a kundalini awakening for about 6 months now. It's a very terrifying experience at first and has shook me to my foundation as a human being.
A couple of years ago I decided to try meditation as a way to help relieve stress and promote health. I read it could help in those regards. I didn't do anything specific, other than just lie still and try not to think of anything.
I noticed during that time i would feel vibrations at times. I didn't think much of it.
More recently, however, things began happening. My hands started assuming different shapes, almost like they were doing some sort of sign language. It would happen spontaneously, once I entered a state of meditation that almost bordered on sleep. When it would happen, it would freak me out, but I was fascinated by it. This led me to want to meditate more, to see what other things would happen. (I would later find out that this sign language stuff was called "mudras". A lot of buhddist statues are shown doing these if you look closely)
Soon, I began doing kriyas, or what's known as yoga positions. Spontaneously, with no training whatsoever. I knew they were yoga when I did some research later. All of this would happen just as I would enter a deep state of meditation. I would just watch my body go, and let it do whatever it wanted. Another part of "me" was at work, but not the normal everyday "I" that gets up for work and crosses the street. It was quite surreal.
Well one day, the shit hit the fan. I felt like I was gagging or being choked and all the sudden i started chanting. My girlfriend typed in what I said at the time and it came back a Sanskrit Mantra.
This was the catalyst to what I now know as a full blown Kundalini Awakening. I couldn't stop chanting or doing yoga positions and began crying uncontrollably. At this time I thought I was being possesed by a demon, and all my old JW fears began to haunt me. No wonder they warned against meditation. I thought I was totally screwed. Luckily, my girlfriend was there to help, and I did have to call some friends. I was pretty embarrased. I LOST IT. I was totally not in control of my body. I was speaking in tounges and standing on my head.
A few days later, I went and saw a psychiratrist, thinking i was becoming shizophrenic. They told me the crying was normal, nothing major. As far as the other stuff was concerned, they could find no rational explanation. But they never gave me any medication, and instead referred me to a psychologist with a background in yoga.
After determining there wasn't anything clinically wrong with me, I was put in contact with a Hindu renunciate who lives nearby me. She's a specialist in this field. I've been seeing her, and my symptoms are much more controlled now. No spontaneous outbursts in public.
But I tell you, it's crazy. Especially considering the fact that I had gave up on religion all together when this started happening.
Apparently Kundalini isn't any different than what a Christian would call the Holy Spirit. It's just a different word from a different culture to describe it. It's function is to aid and force about a person's enlightenment.
You can sit on a rock like a buhddist and meditate or through the activation of Kundalini it can happen. In either case, it's not the phenomena that's important but rather the end result, which is union with God, and acheiving a God-Mind in human form. To be an Enlightened being.
In any case, I had no concious choice in it, it's just something that happened to me due to the fact it's something I was working towards in a previous life. Yes, I said previous life. Don't think I'm a cook. Remember, I voted for Bush 4 years ago. The last thing I ever expected was to be a new age freak.