I'm curious on what basis you say, "it is real contact with divine energy"?. Also, "it's not nescessary to have a kundalini awakening in order to become enlightened", how do you know this?
Well, After seeing the psychiratrist I needed to see and having them not find an applicable modern medicine explanation for the events, I really have only one other explanation. Not to mention the experiences themselves were highly charged events. Here's the big kicker: you simply have nothing that happens in your normal everday life that I can use to help you relate to the experience. Nothing. I'm doing the best I can with HTML and a online forum.
Also, because of these experiences I was forced to go find answers. Basically, like I've stated all along, what I've discovered is that the goal is enlightenment. And the key to enlightenment is asking "Who Am I?" You can do that sitting on a rock practicing zen meditation. Or hell, even an intense Christian prayer could bring that about. For all I know, all you really have to do is ask the question itself, regardless of whatever religion you are. So yeah, you don't need kundalini to get enlightenment. During my early research I read a lot about hinduism, buhddism, shamenism, islam, sufism, etc. They're all about the same thing really. Kundalini is just more a "kick in the ass" experience.
Also, LT, as I read it, you seem to be saying that your experience and Dolphman's experience are "kundalini awakenings", yes? Yet you've had VERY different experiences. What convinces you that they are relatively synonymous? (or synonymous, if that's what you're saying)
LT never said he was having a kundalini awakening. They ARE very different experiences, because he is consciously practicing a chi art of some kind. This is what makes his and my experiences synonymous, they are both related to energy. However, what seperates them is my experiences were not learned, they happen SPONTANEOUSLY. Understand the difference?
Also Dolphman, if you considered you might be schizophrenic at one point, what has happened that has you 100% convinced now that these experiences are anything but a brain glitch, and are in fact a highly unusual, specialized connection with the supernatural?
Well it's like this. Say one day you were meditating and you spontaneously chanted out some words. Followed by heavy breathing, your hands doing some sort of sign language, and assuming various yoga positions. What if you typed those words you chanted into the internet, and they came back Sanskrit mantras or the Names of God in various other tounges. Then you started reading some books and realized the hand movements or sign language you were doing also correctly mimicked "mudras", hand postitions used to enhance meditation by monks and often seen in buhddist paintings. Now, what are the odds of all three of these experiences happening at once and all tying into the same source, tantric hinduism and buhddism (which are essentially the same). I had no experience WITH ANY of this stuff prior. Maybe if i had only chanted some words, I could say, "Oh it means "God" in Sanskrit but it also means "Jello" in Czech. But when you combine that with the fact that I was doing the other things which are also related to the same thing, then THAT is when things get serious. That's no coincidence.
Because of the severity of the experiences, I had to have some ANSWERS. Schizophrenia was first guess. You know what? I've been tested and I've seen the doctors. I don't have it. Now, let me ask you, where do I go next for an answer? HMMMMMMMMMM?
It's not that I'm determined not to be crazy, I just need answers to things like this. Wouldn't you?
One thing to remember, my whole point in answering this thread was to shed some light on kundalini experiences. I'm not trying to convert anyone or prove I had the above experiences. I do hope someday to be able to be a part of some real scientific research into the phenomena. Brain scans, lie detectors, you name it. If you know anyone whose interested in doing such a thing, I'm game.