Dateline--Fahrenheit 911

by patio34 180 Replies latest social current

  • exjdub
    Support of Michael Moore IS IN and OF itself HATE reply...NO, if you want to Bash Bush, I'll defend him. You ruined your post by supporting Michael Moore.


    I generally respect your opinions, although I don't agree with them, and have never really challenged your opinions until now...but I have to say that the above statement that you made is one of the most frightening things I have heard. Since when does supporting, or agreeing with, a person who speaks out using his free speech "hate speech"?? Even though I think Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly bend the truth and spin (yes, even in the no spin zone) things, I would never call what they do hate speech, even when it was directed at Bill Clinton. Again, although I respect your service to this country, I do hope that your feelings about freedom of speech and the rights of individuals to disagree with the government are in the minority with our people in the military. If not then I fear for the future of this country.

    You have been asked many times since the beginning of this thread to point out lies that Michael Moore has told and you have been able to supply none, yet you continue to make very inflammatory statements. It would be a lot easier to have a discussion if you could back up the statements that you have made rather than continuing with the same line of reasoning that has already been refuted.

    Finally, I notice that every time that someone disagrees with the way the country is run, you see this as an "attack" or "bashing". You also appear to get very angry and defensive. What, in your opinion, would you consider an appropriate reaction when one is unhappy with their president or their government? What do you think is the right thing to do? If Bush is voted out of office it is going to be very interesting to see how you react when you see things that you do not agree with. According to your posts I would think that it would be un-American for you to say anything negative as it might be perceived as "hate speech."

    exjdub (who is sorry he had to leave the thread this afternoon because he missed a lot it seems)

  • FreeWilly

    Patio: It makes a person wonder why they got this preferential treatment.

    If that's the point Moore makes then it's certainly a valid one. No Doubt the Bin Laden clan is 'oil freindly' since most of their money is oil related, so I could see Bush protecting his own. They could have provided protections in other practicle ways. Tie that in with the blatent Haliburton handouts and you have a real stinky fish.

    I'm definetly going to see it. I'm not much for far left (or right) politics, but there are certainly no questions too sacred to ask. I'm sure Mr. Moore will put his own spin on things, like he did in Bowling for Columbine, but hey, some of his points were valid in that one too.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    HAving been out of town for the weekend, and not around my PC. I was loooking forward to see what was said here. After being scathed for ad hominem fallacy, which I plead guilty to, I see an entire page of it directed at George Bush.

    Guess I was right. It's all fine and dandy to use ad hominem attacks, against a conservative, but apply the same rules to a liberal and that is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-vil.


  • exjdub
    Personally, I think the fat one ruined a great book title, and the possibilities of the Mel Gibson remake that is in the works.

    Michael Moore, is the leftist version of Goerbels..."Tell a lie long enough, and everyone will believe it."

    LABD, of the not up for more leftist, socialist lies class.

    Ahhhhh...LABD...Yours was the 4th response on the thread, and the first to launch an ad hominem attack I might add, to a topic simply about Farenheit 911. Yet, like many of your brethren (Yeru), you cry foul when you are called out because of an attack on a man for his looks:

    "I think the fat one ruined a great book title"

    or when you make inflammatory statements that you refuse ot back up with facts:

    Michael Moore, is the leftist version of Goerbels..."Tell a lie long enough, and everyone will believe it."

    If you are going to throw sand in the sandbox, don't cry when someone throws sand back and you get it in your eyes. The only thing that Pat said was to stop hijacking her thread with the inflammatory statements that you and Yeru were making. Go start a thread about Bill O'Reilly's books and comment about how you enjoy them. If someone comes on your thread and says Bill O'Reilly is a fat head, is ugly, is a liar, and a righty version of Goerbels, you might understand what everyone is saying about ad hominem attacks. You would have a problem with that, nay? Think about it...


  • exjdub


  • L_A_Big_Dawg
    If you are going to throw sand in the sandbox, don't cry when someone throws sand back and you get it in your eyes. The only thing that Pat said was to stop hijacking her thread with the inflammatory statements that you and Yeru were making. Go start a thread about Bill O'Reilly's books and comment about how you enjoy them. If someone comes on your thread and says Bill O'Reilly is a fat head, is ugly, is a liar, and a righty version of Goerbels, you might understand what everyone is saying about ad hominem attacks. You would have a problem with that, nay? Think about it...

    First, I didn't "cry." I voiced my personal opinion of Mr. Moore and his ilk.

    I certainly didn't intend to "hijak" any thread. I thought that this was an open forum, and I could voice that opinion.

    As far as backing up any statements, I am working on that. And in fact found a real interesting one about Moore's claim of President Bush making the way safe for the Bin Laden family to exit. Until I get a second confirmation of this though, I won't post it. I found it very interesting, considering whom this quote comes from.

    Lastly, I don't care what anyone says about O'Reilly, Hannity, or Limbaugh. Personally, I think those three are entertainers first, and political analyists last. I was pointing out how hypocritical many from the "left" are. A point that is demonstrated in spades on this very DB.

    Lastly, don't assume what my responses would be on any given subject. You may end up looking like the first part of that word.


  • exjdub
    First, I didn't "cry." I voiced my personal opinion of Mr. Moore and his ilk.


    I wasn't referring to your opinion when I said you were crying. I was referring to this:

    It's all fine and dandy to use ad hominem attacks, against a conservative, but apply the same rules to a liberal and that is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-vil.


    Which sure sounds like a good cry.

    Second, I didn't assume anything. My statement was:

    If someone comes on your thread and says Bill O'Reilly is a fat head, is ugly, is a liar, and a righty version of Goerbels, you might understand what everyone is saying about ad hominem attacks. You would have a problem with that, nay?

    Notice the use of a queston mark indicating that I am open for a response...not assuming anything.


    I certainly didn't intend to "hijak" any thread. I thought that this was an open forum, and I could voice that opinion.

    It is an open forum... but you started attacking Moore's appearance etc. and were called on it by Patio. A few posts later you went into a statement about people attacking Bush:

    This is similar to how the left characterizes President Bush, isn't it?

    Isn't funny how those that are so willing to through around the ad hominems when it comes to Conservatives don't like it when the tables are turned on them?

    That is a good old fashioned hijack.

    By the way, I have never attacked Bush's appearance or called him a liar when a discussion of his politics and decisions are considered. I laugh when threads are started (like today) that compare his appearance to a chimpanzee, but not when we are talking about policy. If I did, then you could accuse me of an ad hominem attack on Bush.

    If you would stop the "persecuted conservatives" drum beating I think it would allow you to see what happened. I, for one, am glad there are others that have a different opinion than mine. It makes for great discussion and I enjoy it, as long as it is productive...which I think is the point that Patio was making about the whole ad hominem's unproductive.


  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    OK, great, I'll be remembering all this discussion, for future ammo.


  • exjdub

    By the way...what happened to Yeru?

  • exjdub
    OK, great, I'll be remembering all this discussion, for future ammo.

    I would be disappointed if you didn't Big Dawg!


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