How do you defend your god's inaction?

by AlmostAtheist 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    This is a question for those that believe in a god or gods, particularly those described as "all knowing" or "almighty".

    How do you defend to yourself that your god has not in any modern situation saved his people from anything?

    People of all faiths are regularly killed by various natural elements. Of course, if you knew such a thing was going to befall a person and you could do something to protect them, you would. But no one's god ever does.

    I understand theologians have batted this one around for millenia, with no firm answer in sight. (Which is telling in itself.) But I'm more interested in what you tell yourself.

    Quietly, alone in your own room, how do you personally excuse your god's lack of concern for the welfare of you and your fellow believers?


  • OldSoul

    I figure it this way: If God needs me to defend, 's not much of a God, eh?


  • upside/down

    My god is my belly...followed by my penis (the lesser "god")...

    Neither are inactive....hehehe


  • AlmostAtheist
    If God needs me to defend, 's not much of a God, eh?

    OldSoul, what does this mean? Do you mean you feel that god's inaction is justified in some way that only he understands at present? On the lines of "God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts"?


  • thom

    As a jw I had lame explanations of why (based on jw literature) that I could put into smooth words to convince people, but I never was really able to convince myself.
    My father, who is a strong JW, has confided in me that he really doesn't understand either, but he keeps going on as a JW.

  • daystar

    You're assuming a limit upon God that makes no sense. You're assuming a morality that God does not seem to have, according to the Bible anyway.

    Gods in general, to me, seem to be more amoral.

  • LittleToe

    "God's inaction"? What are you talking about??

    "All things work to the good, for those who love God and who are called according to His purpose".

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, isn't Mankind "Lord" of this planet and its resources? Why should "God" intervene in our mis-management?

  • Scully
    If God needs me to defend, 's not much of a God, eh?

    Defending their god and their faith:


    Rbi8 1 Peter 3:15 ***

    But sanctify the Christ as Lord in YOUR hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of YOU a reason for the hope in YOU, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect.

    This is one of the basic tenets of the JW belief system: that JWs are "Witnesses" (ie, testamonial figures) that Jehovah is the One True God. How do they do this? By going door-to-door and telling people that Jehovah is the One True God (in one form or another). By supporting each other and reinforcing to each other that Jehovah is the One True God.

    Mind you, repeating something over and over may cause you to believe it to be true, but doesn't actually make it true.

  • LittleToe

    Scully:Well quoted.

    I would interpret that text to mean that if someone asks you, you should be able to present a case for why you believe something. Beyond that, it's no excuse to proselytise, nor to defend "God" per se. It's your personally held convictions that receive defense.

  • Scully


    I would interpret that text to mean that if someone asks you, you should be able to present a case for why you believe something. Beyond that, it's no excuse to proselytise, nor to defend "God" per se. It's your personally held convictions that receive defense.

    Hey, we agree on something!

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