LittleToe: Be still and know "I am" God.
What unmitigated Gaul!
I think I understand what you are communicating here, but I don't think there is enough groundwork laid for someone else to cross the bridge. Not even sure the bridge has been built yet.
It works very much like predetermining what reality is limited to. If you start from that perspective, you are bound to arrive at conclusions that establish your initial assumption because you are predestined to exclude anything that would lead outside your paradigm.
The same is true of the perpetuated concept that God is like something we know of. If we restrict God to a paradigm of our creation and invention, we will bind "Him" to our own concepts of morality. That would indeed be creating God in our image. However, LittleToe and some others here have dispensed with that starting point. You don't understand why God "hasn't acted" because you are only looking at it from one predetermined and unwavering vantage point.
Has no good come from the Tsunami? What about the recent earthquake? People who once were fighting with one another (as recently as a week ago) are now sharing, hand-in-hand, with trying to rebuild lives, develop new dreams and hopes for the future. Did people die? Yes. Would you prefer that everyone live forever? How will you feed them? Where will you find them shelter? Should nothing suffer? We find suffering throughout existence, but you want me to explain why a Creator allows human suffering.
"All things are lawful...but not all things are advantageous." The same applies to all things being possible. I believe God can destroy everything and start over. Why doesn't "He"? Do you want that, really? I don't. I want to love and learn and experience life until I die.
There is more in heaven and earth...Our philosophies have always gotten in the way of our understanding, they have only added to our knowledge.