JW reasoning is faulty. I believe orthodox rabbis are correct. Blood represents life. Life is sacred. Watchtower is blood guilty.
JoinedPosts by Balaamsass2
Coroners Report New South Wales Australia
by jonahstourguide inhi folks.. spotted this.. coroner condemns jehovah's witness blood transfusion rules after follower's hospital death.
by giselle wakatama.
abc newcastle.
PIMA is best so it’s not a shock to the system if the tower collapsed
by JohnR1975 ini know most people here are totally out and that’s fine.. many these days are staying physically in for the social life and that is also fine.. i feel being fully mentally in is dangerous as it could be such a shock mentally if or should i say when the tower collapsed.. im sitting in the fence like so many others here.
mentally agnostic if god exists or not and if the bible is his word.. when i talk to people who are physically and mentally still in i can tell that they so need it to be true.
i’m worried for them when they wake up to the fact that they have been lied to 1914 wasn’t true 1975 wasn’t true 1999 wasn’t true and now here we are 2025 it’s all not true.
Depends on your character and convictions. Some folks don't mind living a double life or belonging to criminal groups or selling harmful substances. Dealing drugs, joining the mafia, big tobacco, and Watchtower all have many members.
On the anniversary of Anthony Morris' Resignation
by Vanderhoven7 instrange that after 2 years we still don't know the facts about anthony's resignation.
grant davus writes:.
the announcement.
Relatively few people at Bethel have day-to-day contact with governing body members, and even fewer converse with them daily. Those that do, can keep secrets well.
I traveled 3xs a week to meetings and service with Knorr's personal secretary for a year,(district overseer) and he never ONCE talked about his job or Knorr. I got more info from a Bethel nurse friend about the condition of GB members. Don't rely on random Bethelites for any accurate information.
My wife and I both had JW alcoholic parents. It is a real issue in the Borg. It makes a person unpredictable and difficult.
Depression and big pharma drugs
by Anonymous666 ini'm going to drop a bomb shell here for all you who think you know something about depression.
most depression cases are being cause by the food and drug administration.
they are putting things in certain foods that they know will affect certain people especially those who have gluten problems.
Your Scientific credentials and research sources for your "bombshell" please.
2025 Kingdom Ministry School Program for Elders!
by Atlantis in2025 kingdom ministry school program for elders.. click the 3 dots at the top right by the word (share) and scroll down to the word (download).
there are 3 pages.. .
https://jumpshare.com/s/qggtjgoste9xhl5oytyq .
What a change! Kinder gentler treatment of inactive faders.
Wives attending!
They are trying to salvage the sinking boat. :)
On the anniversary of Anthony Morris' Resignation
by Vanderhoven7 instrange that after 2 years we still don't know the facts about anthony's resignation.
grant davus writes:.
the announcement.
Tony was an ass on the platform. No doubt an even bigger one in person.
Can you imagine trying to effect any change with a guy like him in an elder body? Old "roast the heretics like a hotdog" and pass me another drink, had to go.
Getting kicked off the GB and out of Bethel broke the proud stiff-necked ass. He is probably drowning himself in scotch at home streaming old movies in his recliner. Probably has groceries and booze delivered. He has contacts in the area from when he was a CO for basic needs.
"fear and with much trembling"
by Truth and Justice ini remember a long time ago, about 40 years ago, when my father said to me "things changed when the elder arrangement came in to focus.
" his view was that the elder arrangement was providing such a power and that sometimes it was abused.
my father was not opposed to the fact of their being elders, because the scriptures talk about the use of elders/shepherds helping the flock so to speak.
Jesus said, "By their fruits, you shall know them". Half the elders I have known or served with have displayed rotten fruit.
Many had never even read the entire Bible once. Many never bothered to read their "flock" book. Humility and kindness were rare even on the governing body—food for thought.
Watchtower July 2025
by St George of England ini just saw the new wt is up and available.
the cover picture looks to me like the one that should have been used on the august 2024 wt but was pulled at the last minute and released with a different picture many weeks later.
someone on here uploaded a low res version of the picture last year.. of course we all know why the picture was pulled in the first place........ george.
I wonder if any of the "homeless" by Watchtower loading docks were ex-pioneers who had followed Watchtower financial advice for years? lol
July 25 WT Study ....Moving Out?
by mikeflood inthird study article....as people moved out of jerusalem before the romans attacked on 70 ce...perhaps there are gonna be instructions for us today about us ...leaving possessions and houses...and moving to a different place.!!.
maybe that fits on 'receiving instructions that are not sound by a human pointof view' ??
Sounds like a re-hash of the pre-1975 Watchtower shite I gulped down as a gullible JW teenager. I quit my job to Pioneer and then sold all my belongings and my cars and dumped my girlfriend to volunteer for $17 a month at Bethel. What a maroon.
The same shite fed to generations of cultists, Mormons, and Adventists. " the world is dangerous" and "out to get us". #1 Cut off all outsiders, and #2. act weird thereby inviting "persecution" and forcing members to #3 sell everything and move, and #4 give assets and all energy/labor to cult/religion.
When God Hates something or certain things are we expected not to do it 100%?
by Longlivetherenegades inwhen god hates certain things does that mean you are not expected to do that particular thing or certain things 100% .
1. god hates divorce does that mean we are not expected to divorce at all?
(hint: jesus allow divorce) .
God hates divorce.....but t t t....most of his favored "friends" had multiple wives and concubines. Go figure.
Even later, you only needed to have one wife if you wanted to be a "servant" or elder.