JoinedTopics Started by Tina_Belina
How old were you when you left?
by somebodylovesme ini only know a handful of witnesses, but i do know several ex-witnesses.
all of them left in their late teens, which (as i've read here) is pretty common.
i know there are a lot of people here who left later in life.
Women's Fashion Woes...a fluffy rant
by Frannie Banannie inokay...the fluff is running rampant on jwd this weekend, so i'm just jumpin' in with my .02...... i hate the way fashion designers dictate what we're gonna be wearing for the next year or two or three (if they can't come up with something new and innovative or retro to titillate the egos).
take for instance those needle-nosed shoes they're pandering to the public lately.....besides being extremely uncomfortable and likely to trip the wearer up with the extra length required to extend the toes of the shoes to a needle point, has anyone seen what they do to ppl's feet years later???
just visit your local nursing home and take a gander at all the hammer toes, bunions and crossed toes of old peeps that were slaves to similar fashions decades ago!
South Beach Diet update
by Mulan inlast week i posted i was starting this diet.
today is day 8 and i have lost 5 pounds!!.
i am never hungry, and feel so good.
An evening of debauchery -- brought to you by Jehovah's Witnesses
by logansrun inhow did i spend my new years eve?
with a bunch of drunk jehovahs witnesses, that's how!
my best friend -- who hasn't been to a meeting in three months and has referred to isaiah books i and ii as "shit" -- has connections with the outer periphery of the organization's young folk.
SEX talks at the sunday meetings
by wannaexit inthe last little while there have been many talks on sex at the sunday meetings.
it is sickening!
they are very explicit in nature.. don't they realize that there are many children in the audience that are not really ready to hear this particular information?.
To my Italian-American Friends.
by El Kabong ingot this from a relative and just wanted to share with everyone.
all italians have a $40,000 kitchen, but use the $179 stove from american appliance in the basement to cook.the living room couch was covered with plastic.strohmeman and wonder bread was for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches only.there is some sort of religious statue in the hallway, living room,front,porch and backyard.a portrait of the pope and frank sinatra in the dining room.god forbid if anyone ever attempted to eat chef boy-ar-dee, franco-american, ragu, prego or anything else in a jar or can (tomato paste is the exception).the following are italian holidays- first weekend in october- grapes for the wine, 3rd weekend in august- tomatoes for the gravy.
speaking of which, it's gravy and not sauce.meatballs are made with pork, veal and beef.
What Ways Did You Rebel Against The Elders & The "Truth"?
by minimus ini used to get a kick out of how some people used to push the elder's buttons.
sisters would wear a dress that was 1 inch above the knee just to get the brothers going.
or brothers would grow something a little longer than a mustache......what did you do to exert your independence??
My son taking actions to get himself Dfed
by freeman inlast night my older son, (now 20) decided to smoke a cigarette in front of active witnesses.
of course they will be obliged to report this at once to the elders, who will question him about it.
i knew something big was coming as i overheard him say to my wife the other day ?your not mad at me because of anything i did, you?re just mad at me because i?m an atheist?.
So the elders want to meet with me....
by Tina_Belina inso here's the deal.
i have been df'ed for almost 2 years now.
the elders have not tried to contact me once within this time.
What Are You Thankful For???
by minimus insince today is the "worldly" day of thanksgiving for many of us, it is a good time to reflect on what we can be thankful for.....anything come to mind?