daniel P:
Russell is in heaven directing the work along with Rutherford, Knorr, Franz, and Henshel.
the latest from brooklyn ( my mate in upper management ) i thought id share.. .
the watchtower is remaining bi monthly.
instead of both monthly offerings sharing same formats there is a change coming into action soon.
daniel P:
Russell is in heaven directing the work along with Rutherford, Knorr, Franz, and Henshel.
the question is self explanatory.
Those who really wish to have a relationship with God and Christ end up leaving the JW's. You cannot come to the Father except through the Son. If you do not
have that option, as Blondie said, then you are left out. How can that be, some ask? When they start to search many begin to see the whole lie.
one of the anomalies of the disfellowshipping process is the common situation when someone who is unscripturally divorced remarries.
in these occasions , the instruction is to always disfellowship the individual , regardless of repentance or attitude - what is referred to as a honeymoon df in elders jargon.
hence you have the (to me) bizarre situation of privately reproving a child molester , rapist or murderer one week and disfellowshipping a newly remarried middle aged sister who has been divorced for 20 years the next week.
The JW's cite Jesus own words for the justification of their policy. Jesus, however, was engaged in ebutting and exposing the
hypocrisy of a Jewish sect of his time who treated their wives with "treachery" and would leave them homeless, penniless, and
in shame in their middle age. I for one NEVER believed that Jesus meant for couples who simply could not stay together
for whatever reason, to remain in a state of misery. The marriage contract is between two people. The same two people can
void the contract if that desire is mutual. Protections exist legally for both if that is the case. The JW legalism is both petty and
But wait, these are God's CHOSEN PEOPLE!
i've just been looking through the latest garbage literature in the above mentioned wt.
both study articles are on obeying the governing body, although the second article is more on obeying the elders.
losing your grip there a little bit fellows?
Thanks Mary.
This is the kind of thing that would make me just a little rebellious even when I "beleived" the WTS. It just seemed to me that they were asserting control and
authority that they did not possess. It's a damn obsession with them. SUBMIT, SUBMIT, SUBMIT. They sound so shrill! I think many, many dubs are
awakening. This one sure did!
we have to acknowledge the fact that religion is empowering to men in its established form, like the wts for an example, but where do you think the wts.
went wrong ?.
after all it was a religion that was trying to bring hope and promise to people lives, which certainly is not a bad thing .. did the power of god prove too much for them and they mishandled that said power or was it the publishing and marketing strategy of the group that adulterated the original message ?.
They are the spawn of the Millerites and 7th Day Adventists. Where did they go wrong? The answer is: They were never right.
"Man cannot make straight what God has made crooked." The WTS is proof positive of that proverb.
after i was df and seriously questioning my faith in the org ( won't call it the truth) i gave a copy of coc to an elder i have known since i was a young man.
he read it found it disturbing and said that he didn't realize problems that he found at his level of involvement went so high.
i then gave him a copy of "in search of christian freedom" he never read it said that he didn't want to question his faith in the brothers.
I wasn't in denial as much as I was in suppression. The total collaps of a belief system is not something many people deal
with easily. Sooner or later, as mentioned in this thread, a person experiences something PERSONAL that allows the mind
to open just enough for the scales to drop from their eyes. A JW will sooner or later experience the lack of any true love and
concern. It is a religion built upon SURVIVAL. It is Darwinian, not Christian.
i have been associated with the organization for almost 40 years.
i have served and been on several assemblies.
i am now irregular, but still attend meetings occassionally.
I am also curious, How do you know about the pioneer sister doing it for years and "it being undiscovered?"
As for sexual indiscretations in the Org: no more and no less than anywhere else. Perhaps the pretense of piety is greater, but not the practice.
"toe the line" ---- like soldiers lining up in formation, their toes are in line, dress-right-dress.
heil the furher!
"tow the line"--- means nothing like it---- means nothing really..
"Toe the line" ---- Like soldiers lining up in formation, their toes are in line, dress-right-dress. Heil the Furher!
"Tow the line"--- means nothing like it---- means nothing really.
jesus christ, michael the archangel does it really matter?.
because at the end of the day he's still our lord and saviour.
he died on a stake for our sins.
Just my thoughts, and I am not one that personally subscribes to all this, but many Christians do see Christ the Son as God. I am not sure whether they actually
recognize him to be a person seperate from God the Father. Christ is God, the Eternal Father of the Isaiah ch. 9, the one through, by, and for whom all things were created.
He is the AGENCY by which the Creator made all other things. We are the WORK of his hands, according to scripture.
So, while some may differ in interpretation, I do not think it unreasonable for some to consider Christ as God in the flesh, in as much as he WAS God and was made a man
that his sacrifice might atone for the sins of mankind, the mankind THAT HE MADE. To simply say that Christ is the archangel Michael, or any other archangel or angel
or likened to any other spirit creature betrays a lack of appreciation for and understanding about Jesus Christ. Remember, God Almighty, Thee Creator, the INFINITE being,
willed for Christ to occupy the place at the apex of all things. Man did not will this or invent this. To take away from Christ his special and rightful place, given to Him by His God, is to
deny the will of God the Father. This is what the WTS has done. They are ANTI Jesus Christ.
if you believe you are anointed, please give the details on how you came to this conclusion.
this is not a judgemental post, so all those with negative comments please keep them to yourself.
this is a quest for facts and answers, nothing more.
"Anointed" class, non-anointed, Jehonadab class, John class-- all this is JW fiction. Jesus spoke of only one hope for those who believed unto him: To dwell with him in the house
of his Father. The NT doesn't say a word about any other hope for Christians. It is God's free gift.