Why is it acceptable for us to believe in some ethereal being who we can't see, who lives in some invisible realm, who can affect the entire globe with a single command, and who knows the thoughts and hearts of every human who ever existed, but can't grasp the idea of that being having three aspects of the one?
The trinity was always repulsive to me until I took off the org glasses and really looked at it objectively. The witnesses arguement against the alpha and omega not referring to both Jehovah and Jesus falls apart. As does the arguement that Jesus wasn't worshipped by his disciples(worship vs obeisance), turns out he was! And looking at the actual Greek word used when identifying God or Jesus throughout the New Testament shows that the NWT picks and chooses who it wants to apply the term LORD to.
As of right now, I'm leaning toward the belief that God is composed of the three, but I don't think it's that important. He knows our heart and our intentions and that we doing the best we can with the puzzle of the nature of God.