Hello all,
I was a nanny for 5 years to 2 families, both non-jw. The first family I was with I was still very much "in", but very close to leaving time-wise. The 2d family was during the aftermath. Since I was a nanny, I thought I'd speak up.
I think you should think it thru very carefully before deciding anything. It's not necessarily a bad thing, because you set the rules. You can maintain a close watch, and be diligent about asking your children what was said/done during the day. That way you can counteract anything that may cause your children to think of her as "better" because of her religion--which is their goal.
That said, I still would be careful. For the most part, she would probably make a very trustworthy nanny. Make sure she is very qualified like you would for anyone. But, and this is a big but, I did try to influence the children I cared for from time to time. I have been sitting here trying to remember, and I most definitely did. Especially when it came to holidays and birthdays. Of course, in my case, that changed with the 2d family because I left. However, if your children are well balanced and can accept that not everyone is like them, then you may be able to have a great nanny. Who knows, since you come on this forum, you may be able to help her in the future.
I hope that I've helped at least a little--just trust in your ability to make a good decision for you and for your family. I would never want to discriminate against anyone, but be prepared if you decide to do it. We are always here to help you whatever you decide.