teejay--I found your story very touching. Fasinating for me because it reminds me a lot of my childhood as a Witness. Two question I must ask you.
It sound like you grew up in the Bedfort Sti area in Brooklyn NY. Did you? Many of the Brothers and Sisters you mentioned sound like familier names to me. Would love to know.
2nd thing: One thing I see so differently from you is that I feared death much, much more as a JW. I always asked-- now if we die and we are only in Gods memory that means when he brings someone back it will be someone that looks, talks, acts like me, but how could it really be me if I am only in a memory. That concept was never really comforting to me. ON the other hand, when I left and started studying other concepts and considered the possiblity that we are eternal beings--won't go into what has taken me years to realize and expereince in my ever-evolving belief system-- but I feel much more comfort and fearlessness about death than when I was a Witness.
Would love to hear from you