Liam, you should check out old posts here and what people have had to endure being a jw and especially by the elders.
There are so many stories of elders acting outrageous. Putting their foot in a door of a jw woman who is home alone and barging in, elders staking out a persons house because they are spying to catch them supposedly having an affair (even if they weren't), elder claiming he was 'helping' a single mother put her kid to bed while she was busy elsewhere he was 'busy' in the bedroom with the child and the stories go on and on.
Then there are the judicial meetings where they ask the most inappropriate questions I have ever heard of even of minors who had to face down 3 elders without a parent or adult with them. Imagine you had a girlfriend and you went a bit too far with her, now you have to go give a play by play to 3 men. By play by play I mean every detail and no need to leave anything out. Basically verbal porn.
Does it ever bother you to be associated with such a group?
Do they do 'disfellowshipping' or now it is called 'removal' of members in your kh?
(carla, not ever a jw, a ubm (unbelieving mate, spouse joined up later in marriage) hope you don't find my questions offensive)