JoinedTopics Started by Surfrusty
OK, so what's the deal with the Cyrus prophecy?
by Amha·aret ini'd really like an answer to this.
its probably been discussed already and if so, feel free to send the link.. as a dub, i always marvelled at this prophecy - how jehovah was able to name the person who would overthrow babylon and in what manner he would do it (drying up the river, gates unlocked, etc.
) and so far in advance too.
Trust in Jehovah in these hard economic times--but send us money
by Bonnie_Clyde inclyde has heard from two sources that a letter was read at the meeting last week.
after encouragement to trust in jehovah, they suggested that each publisher send about $5.70 to the society each month to help support the organization.
that's the way he heard it.
To SO CAL: What CO's and DO's do we all know?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inokay, in order it goes like this for peace 1980-83, brother rose 1984-86, brother yasko 1986-88, brother sekella 1988-91, brother billy ford 1992-95, brother davis 1996-99, brother irskin 2000-03 and then it gets kinda burge and another, brother hairston.
okay, that just about does it.
i have this topic becauce i tried reading the favorite co and do thread, but did not recognize any names......
Fading In? Am I nuts?
by jaydoe ini am a baptized jw that faded some years back.
in those days i deeply believed in the org and became disillusioned by some things happening in the local congregation.
following some research on the net i decided to fade out of watchtower existence because i did not want to keep mixing with false religion (or so i thought at the time).
The Fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 - What Does It Mean For You?
by Nosferatu inlol!
i can't wait for that wt magazine to come out.
yeah, i know, another thread on matt 24:14.. but it's not about the prophecy, it's about how it's going to affect us if this is going to be a worldwide blast of new light.
Watchtower never took preaching work seriously!!
by proplog2 inthere has been a lot of discussion about the claim that the gb feel they have fullfilled their obligation to preach.. this would be no surprise.
jesus said if you want to really do what is right you need to sell your property and give to the poor.
and then... you could follow jesus.. after pentecost there was an arrangement where an individual could sell his property and give the proceeds to the apostles.
How many on this board started out here as JWs defending their "faith"?
by new boy ini left 6 months before i found this place........but if i had found it 15 years ago, i would have been one of those fighting tooth and nail for the watchtower bible & tract society.. i know this board has helped 100's if not thousands of people with the real truth about the organization............ in the face of logic and reason, how could it not!.
In the WT's Defence
by shadowofbathory inhi electronic cyber pixels.
occasionally these days i will log onto this forum to scan for interesting topics.
even though this is my first posting under this moniker, i am a reincarnate of a previous beast.
My journey is reaching another level
by InquiryMan insome four years ago, i handed in my last report in the kh.
both wanted our children to have a more mainstream life than the witnesses frame could offer.
in time, my wife and i got separated.