JoinedTopics Started by bud2114
June 15 Study WT - Faithful Steward and its GB
by bud2114 infrom what i can tell, there was some discussion out here on this article about a month ago, but at that time few folks had their copy to look at (we just received it last week at our hall).
now that most jw's have their copy, there has been a lot of discussion about it - at least here, that is.
as was mentioned already, this is definitely a follow up to the 5/1/07 qfr "when does the callling of christians to a heavenly hope cease?
First century governing body?
by lostsheep82 inmy anointed step dad always mentions about how the first century christians had a governing body also.
where in the bible does it actually say that?
to me governing body is just a dictatorship of men who think they are right and can control, no different than the governments....governing body set rules, and ultimately decide your future as far as i'm concerned.
Latest tract campaign a complete bust in our area - yours?
by bud2114 inso much for worldwide coverage of the latest tract campaign that ended on nov 16.
("would you like to know the truth?
") our service overseer announced last night on the local needs part that our cong.
#4 Talk - Timothy why beneficial
by still_in74 inhey - does anyone have this talk written already?.
of course that would be us suckers still in.
i have to give it tonight and i havent written it yet.. cmon,,, help a brother out!!!!
Council on new BS arrangement - get your barf bucket ready
by DoomVoyager inyesterday (sunday) at the end of the public talk, the speaker took a moment to share with us something he said that he gleaned during the 2008 annual meeting.
(hopefully someone hasn't brought this up already).. it was concerning the new bookstudy arrangements.
i will do my best to quote from memory what he said:.
OJ Simpson...GUILITY!!!!!!!!!!
by zeroday inhttp://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=d93jgue80&show_article=1
Oh God she's dumb... LOL!
by dawg inthis election is over... no way that performance can't hurt the mccain cause... lol!
bye bye republicans, at least she's "honest"... lol!
Vatican forbids use of God's name
by bud2114 innot sure if this has been discussed already.
two things stand out to me in this piece.
one, the vatican does not recognize "jehovah" as one of the accepted pronunciations of the tetragrammaton (yhwh).
Gag alert! Latest email from devout JW Mom
by bud2114 inmy mother knows i have lots of issues with the org.
yet she still forwards me this crap as "encouragement".
i love my mother, but i wish i could get through to her that jw's aren't any more special to god than anyone else.