JoinedTopics Started by Explorer
The Horsemen of the Apocalipse NOW!!!
by Explorer init takes only a few minutes watching cnn to realize that the 4 horsemen of the apocalipse are riding back again.
who knows this time what the outcome of their riding will be.
undoubtedly however, this will turnout to be again good numbers for the wt this year.
WT's Worldwide Increase. What Does It Mean ?
by Explorer inregarding the wt's report for the period 2001 - 2002, i guess many here will agree the numbers seem to be coming back up again.
it was interesting to notice how the previous years many of the so called "developed" nations namely the u.s.a., canada, and many eu leading nations such as germany, the netherlands, britain, france, and so on actually reported decrease in their numbers.the only increase came back then from the called "under developing" nations.
this years there seems to be a very significant rebound to those negative figures.
Will my JW wife and son get into trouble for this?
by dmouse insome of you may remember my son's struggle with his beliefs about a year ago.
benjamin was brought up as a jw and was heavily involved, used extensively on the platform as a good jw role model.
however, about a year ago (when he was 13) he started to have doubts and went through a cycle of depression, even contemplating suicide.
The U.S.A., Irak, and The Fall of Rome...
by Explorer inthe u.s.a. should have taken saddam husseim out of business when it was right to do it.
they had to play their stupid international chess game thinking saddam was usefull to keep a political balance in the region.. it has happened over and over again in u.s.a. history.
the stupid cowboys running the white house always end up fighting the criminals they were in bed with before, or they tolerated for political reasons.. take for instance nicaragua.
Let's Eat Them Up!!!
by Explorer inlets eat them up!!!.
lets get together, lets eat them up they say,.
living forever,ja!, theyre all fucked up!!!.
JW article in major Canadian newspaper today...
by Pathofthorns ini almost didn't have time to read the morning's paper, but a banner at the top of the front page entitled "cheerleading for jehovah" got my attention.
interesting comments in the toronto star can be read here.
the article has obvious input from the society and seems to be a pr type move in light of recent bad canadian press (calgary blood case) and likely future canadian programs exposing jws and child abuse.. interesting comments:.
Age Sex Location Occupation Anyone?
by Perfection Seeker in.
33 female iowa massage therapist happily married no children (yet).
anyone else?
Kent Steinhaugh 's Great Finale !!!
by Explorer inkent steinhaugh has this time made a great finale with his very honest and wholehearted explanation of his reasons to leave the watchtower observer administration.
from the deep of my heart, i do admire and respect people like him.. .
i hope all members of the board take a time to digest the subliminal, yet obvious message this great character of our era has had the courage to send to the world of those who know his work and dedication.
Dear Lucidentity : Try to Understand...
by Explorer indear lucidentity :.
most of the people in this board have what's called a common bond.
they all share the same "family" of harsh feelings toward the wtbs.
Would a Le Pen Presidency Favor WT in France ?
by Explorer inwould a le pen victory for the french presidency result in a favorable turn arround situation for the wt in france ?
he does not even support france being part of the eu, and has spoken out in favor of stepping out it if becoming president.
nationalism is starting to grow back not only in france but other european nations as well, with partisans for a no to the eu.. would a france in the hands of a nationalist such as le pen would be more tolerant to the wt, reversing jacques chirac's actual version of "freedom of cult" in france.