JoinedTopics Started by Namaste
What jobs have you done as. . .
by Lady Lee inok we all have stories of "window-cleaners" but some of us had other kinds of work - that you got payed for (slave labor excepted).
so what kinds of things have you done?
what did you enjoy?
Have you ever thought of killing someone?
by John Doe inhave you ever had enough contempt for someone to consider doing such a thing?
Late-growing girls?
by Mysterious ini've apparently grown half an inch in my 20's.
i think this is bizarre.
anyone else heard of it for girls?
Baptism at age 11 next Saturday
by Fatfreek ini just learned that one of my grandsons (whom i've never met) will be baptized on saturday.
he will be twelve in november.
what's happening within the publishing company to inspire this sort of thing?
Update! Drew Sagan is no longer a Jehovah's Witness
by drew sagan inas promised here is all of the info regarding what has been going on.
per the last jc with the elders i realized that all i had done was buy time.
they felt that we should be df'ed right on the spot, but because i made a plea to wait for a letter coming back from the wts they decided to hold on taking such action.
Sell By Dates - Do You Take Much Notice of Them?
by Clam insell by and use by dates on food produce seem to have become the norm these days.
on one side we have the squeaky clean supermarkets with their dating system, while on the other side is a combination of media scare stories about listeria, salmonella etc.
and voracious food standards authorities.
What was your WORST Field Service encounter???
by TheCoolerKing insomeone mentioned to me the other day about going door to door back when i was a jw.
"weren't you scared to do something like that, knock on a stranger's door?
actually it's been so long that i had almost forgotten.
When Did You Start Feeling Uncomfortable In The Truth?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #0033cc; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #0033cc} --> when did you start feeling uncomfortable in the truth?it started out for me by asking questions out of curiosity, which eventually led me.
out of the organization.
my history as a jehovahs witness could easily be summed .
by compound complex indear friends,.
much of what we do on a daily basis is routine and of no particular, earth-shaking importance.
however, after reviewing letters of family going back to wwii, it is fascinating to read what dad was doing on board the aircraft carrier in the pacific on any old day, what mom was cooking on her ever-steaming range, how i was dealing with the roller coaster of emotion at bethel [mom saved all my letters], how nana wrote that she would not study with the witnesses [per my request] but 'here are some mittens i knitted for you when you canvass new york with your magazines.
by Cordelia inmr really long comment.
mr really bad microphone.