JoinedTopics Started by johnnyc
Class Action Slander/Libel Suit Against the WTS
by Igot2bme ini am exploring a class action lawsuit against the wts at the moment.
i have been in touch with other attorneys on this matter and at the moment i haven't found anyone to take the case just yet.
i want to pursue a class action lawsuit against the wts.
My conversations with a Muslim at work last month
by jookbeard inwas working last month with a guy of algerian dissent who had lived in london for many years, who turned out to be hard core in his islamic beliefs , needing to pray a certain amount of times a day, wanting to skive off work early each night to pray and took a 2 and a half hour lunch break one friday so he could find a mosque ffs!
anyway we got talking about our belief system's ( i knew more about islam/the prophet/quran) then he did, but it turned out that he said he had offered me the light that muslims are supposed to give non believers, and if they reject the message then they are condemned to hell!
i spoke about my agnostic/deist belief and how much his message compared similarly with that of fire and brimstone style of christianity, he claimed that the quran amalgamated many of the ancient beliefs of judaism/christianity/buddhism etc and were penned so as to give mankind the message from the final prophet mohammad who had received these revelations through an angel(all bullshit of course) i went on to speak about the many flaws found in the bible notably the impossibility of the flood , the contradictions of the creation, right down to the possible evidence that jesus christ may never have even existed!
Early Civilizations and Bible Chronology...Part 2
by xelder inwas away from my normal computer and so my two posts to start the first thread didn't show.. however, thanks to all who picked up the topic and commented shadesofgrey, sizemik, lars, designs, otwo, jwfacts.
since i never commented on my own thread, i thought i should and thank everyone.. adam's claimed date of creation of c. 4000 bc was mentioned, however, the bible would have everyone coming from noah at c. 2650 bc.
american civilizations are said to date prior to the usual biblical date of the flood.
GAME OVER argument
by johnnyc in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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Booklet - Preparing for Child Custody Cases
by johnnyc ineveryone has been a big help in pointing me in the right direction on resources - i hope i can ask for another thing.. i am looking for the actual "scan" or "pdf" of the booklet "preparing for child custody cases".
again, thanks in advance..
Call to legal department Jan 6, 2012
by koolaid-man introubled former witness calls legal department at the watchtower organization.............. dale beckman says, can the "society" be guilty of "alienation of affection?
" in my case, my family has been told it is proper to hate me and to do nothing to help me in any way - otherwise, they could be considered a sharer in my works of "unforgivable sin.
" they are told not to even greet me.
Generation - one more time
by johnnyc insorry guys.
i know i have brought this up before (a couple years ago), but my mother and i were talking (she is a ultra-jw) about the wt's generation, and she told me that the wt has never come out and said they took back the generation "timeframe" from 1914. she said they only changed who it was referring to - but nothing has changed on the fact within a generation from 1914 the end has to come.
well, i went back to the 1995 article, and really didnt see where the timeframe was explicitly changed.
What are the people at Bethel like? What's the GB like?
by doubtful ini can't even count the number of times i've heard people say how incredibly humble and down-to-earth and caring the exectuives at bethel are.
i've had one first person encounter with a gb member..i forget his name although i would be able to identify him in a picture.
he did seem genuinely nice.