How can it be a scriptural divorce if neither one has committed adultery?
The wife should be writing to the society, or better yet, getting her divorce lawyer to write.
so i have a friend in a congregation in new jersey who recently called me to tell me that he got a divorce.
nothing surprising there at first but it is the fact of when it happened.
his wife began pioneering april 1, and after about three weeks she came to him and told him that about 4 years she had engaged in loose conduct (fondling the penis and the guy kissing her breasts) during a time that she was inactive.
How can it be a scriptural divorce if neither one has committed adultery?
The wife should be writing to the society, or better yet, getting her divorce lawyer to write.
in 1914 a great war broke out and the jw's have used that to add credibility to their idea that jesus took over power in that year and satan was cast out to earth.
what most people forget or do not realize is that jesus said there would be 'wars and reports of wars' but no big deal for the time was not yet.
then of course the great tribulation would break out and would be a game changer, but in the 1960's the gb stopped saying the great tribulation started in 1914 and said its now a future event.
If WWI hadn't happened, the society would have quietly dropped 1914 generations ago, just like they dropped 1874 and 1925 when nothing happened.
WW1 kicking off when it did basically created this religion.
mark 10:45: "for even the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.".
1 timothy 2:5-6: "for there is one god, and one mediator between god and men, the man christ jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.".
the ransom that was taught for the first 1,000 years of christianity.
In my experience, when you start disproving the society's doctrines to yourself, you mentally 'draw a line in the sand' and think, 'well even if all the chronology is wrong, they still teach the truth about the trinity, hell and the ransom'.
The real fun starts when you start forcing yourself to be as mentally rigourous towards those doctrines as you were towards chronology and organisational mistakes.
Farkel's opener here is a good introduction, and nicolaou's questions in the thread linked here are good too.
Remember dear lurkers, questions are not blasphemy, and that uncomfortable emotion you may have when even entertaining a query about this deeply held belief is what cognitive dissonance feels like.
our congregation is rationing regular bibles like they're gold bars.
i was told that bethel is out of stock!
anyone else hear about this?
It wouls make sense if they were to release a new bible at the AGM, given the hype about more congregations being hooked up to this year's snoozefest.
it's those who demand certainty who make a mockery of faith.. this talk will stick with you..
She's a very interesting person. I recently read her take on the life of Jezebel and found it facsinating.
I highly recomend this video
parking at the tacoma dome for jehovah's witnesses was.
evidently included in the cost of the rent.. >.
"by law, the wtbs was not to collect additional.
There's quite a bit of history for this, if anyone is interested:
So they went to the convention abondoning their chickens for 7 days. 19 chickens died, presumably from the neglect.
Isn't there a scripture about "caring for the soul of your domestic animal" or something?
from a human apostate talk transcript.. "apostates profess to be followers of jesus..they lie to authorities...apostatesare not sincere in their expressions.
their aim is to manipulate your mind and undermine your faith... they are liars and deceivers"
We could scare the living daylights out of any witness who stumbles upon this site because the governing body has hyped us up so much.
We are the whisper in your mind,
the thought that won't die down,
waiting on Jehovah is good for so much,
but your doubts overlap like generations.
We are legion.
We are you.
Bwah ha haaaaa
i know i rarely if ever read the magazines that i used to promote and place with householders (besides the watchtower study).
hypocritical no?.
I probably read them more now than when I was in! (Study edition only, I can't stomach the public WT and A!)
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I've been slowly decompressing for ages. Like you I went through a furious reading stage, I learned so much about doctrine & the society.
It really is like a death, and you may feel the shock, anger, depression that comes with it, in varying degrees.
So be kind to yourself and remember to give yourself time and space to process. Take your wife out to dinner & do something fun, and don't talk about religion.
Of course the real 'fun' starts when you apply the same investagative rigor to the question of "Is the Bible really inspired?" or "Is there a God who cares?"
Good Luck.