Nice to see you making use of the board, dgp! Some women just don't want a mate badly enough. My mother became a single JW at 38 years old. She wanted very badly to find a new husband, but there were no elligable men around and she wouldn't consider dating a non-JW. Now that she's out of the cult, she's free to date whomever she wants--but she's realized she doesn't want to. At this point in her life she's satisfied being single. There's a part of her that would enjoy some love and romance, but overall she feels like it's more hassle than fun.
Generally, the only reason witness women date non-witnesses is because they really want a mate but there are no JW men available to them. It's likely that either the woman you're interested in feels like she has other options, or she just isn't interested in finding a partner. In other words, it's not so much a rejection of you as it is a rejection of having a partner at all.