I fluctuate between atheist and agnostic on any given day, because I'm still learning about myself, and not completely comfortable with either one. Overall, I think atheist fits me best, but being flaky and human, it doesn't always fit. However, I'm always a humanist.
500 years ago, people began viewing the world as being human centered rather than god centered, and the climate was right for the birth of humanism. In some ways, I think religion actually reduces morality as defined by most humanists. Take JW's for example. This system is worthless, about to be destroyed, hopeless, and no real and lasting change can be worked for. A humanist actually engages the world and seeks to make it better. Others may view Heaven as the real life, and though they work for social justice, they believe there is a grander solution.
If there is no revealed moral authority, humans must be responsible for it themselves.
And the beautiful thing about being a humanist is trusting humans to decide on morality. Our power comes from within, and we are responsible for our decisions. We are not chess pieces in the god/satan game, and that feels very good. I feel free.