JoinedTopics Started by Shanagirl
Did you know about the organ transplant ban when you were a believer?
by Apognophos inback when i was learning ttatt, i was shocked to read on jwfacts about the organ transplant ban from 1967 to 1980. this was a large piece of evidence for me that the society could not be god's organization.
growing up as an earnest witness, and living near the headquarters, i knew a lot of the organization's embarrassing history, and it didn't faze me, but i'd never heard of this ban before, and it shocked me.
it's gotten me wondering why no one i know ever talks about it, when it must have affected many witnesses during that time (or were they getting transplants on the sly?
The Judicial Committee is a Circle of Elders in a Room?
by Shanagirl inhas this ever happened to anyone who has been df'd here?
did you walk into a room with a circle of chairs for the whole body of elders?.
Death and perspective
by Separation of Powers ini realize today, at this moment in time, at this moment, this exact moment in my life the absolute futility of everything.
i sit here, at this desk, in front of this screen, my head is spinning and my mind wanders through all those moments of interaction with someone who has just left this life.
no, he wasn't a family member, he wasn't even a friend really, an acquaintance, a casual work related interaction.
Want to hear something funny ?
by troubled mind inmy husband just won the city wide holiday light display for christmas i am so proud .
just a few short years ago i was the one that put a strand of white lights around the porch railing ,and a couple of lighted deer in the yard ....that brought the elders around real quick (after three years of silence ) at that time my husband was still holding onto the notion his faith was not bond to a cult .
it didn't take long after the 'loving sheparding call' for him to see things in another light.
Elders and priests what 's the difference?
by sparrowdown inis being a "good" elder the same as being a "good" catholic priest?.
is there any difference between representing the rcc and representing that other bastion of child abuse the wt?.
Here we go again. The next hate letter from our 2nd Son.
by Still Totally ADD inyes it happen again with our youngest son.
this last monday we got a letter from him telling us how unloving we are because we are no longer jw.
cult and not had kids.
King of Jordan on Charly Rose: WW3 in progress, Islam extremism is a generational conflict. --
by prologos inan eloquent major figure questioned, well worth listening to: on the multi continental conflict among muslims and their push against the secular world.. can be heard on you-tube.. .
Matthew 24:19-21
by Pete Zahut inbut woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days!
and pray that your flight be not in the winter, neither on a sabbath for then shall be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, nor ever shall be.. this scripture was always used to frighten us about the upcoming great tribulaton.
when i was in high school my late mother found out she was pregnant with my youngest sister.
Were we spiritually abused? Did or do we need spiritual healing?
by Fernando inand if so what are our options?.