Topics Started by Mazza
Craziness and JW's
by joelbear ina simple question.. does being a jehovah's witness drive people insane or are insane people attracted to being a jehovah's witness?.
drooling hugs.
I Find it all interesting!
by glode inbefore i startm let mejust apologizein advance ifmy spacekey doesnt work properly!
!damn keyboard!
anyways, i have been lookingthru theposts here for several weeks, i findmany of theopinions well thought out.
Old Habits Die Hard
by COMF inkeep in mind, now, i haven't been out in field service since sometime in early 1987.. this morning i headed off out the door and down the stairs, cheerful and ready to tackle the day.
got to my ride, and realized i had forgotten to pick up the case that contains my laptop and paperwork.
so, back up the stairs, in the door.
Help! Help! My son wants to tell elders about me
by LostMyReligion ini am floundering!.
today my jw son told me that he had seen an email in our family account written to me from an exjw.
it contained very little, but enough to let him know that i was in contact with outsiders about my doubts and feelings.
Haven't you got anything better to do?
by tedcobb inobviously a lot of you are no longer jws, for whatever reason, but surely you can find something better to do with your time.
you seem to spend a lot of your spare time slating the society or picking holes in your former beliefs.. if you've left and think what jws believe is a load of rubbish, thtat fine, you cn do what you want, but why you have to go on about it?
if being a jw means so little to you, why not just leave it behind and get on with your life?
JUSTICE #3 - Sin worse than Apostasy!
by Amazing ina sin worse than apostasy .
there was a very nice young couple in our congregation with one child.
no one could see why she should not be reinstated.
My Epiphany
by Farkel inwell, folks.
i just had a minor epiphany.
its a wonder it never dawned on me before, because it should have been so obvious.. we can forget about doing any more research or any more exegesis.
funny old life isnt it....
by Deacon ini was just looking out the window, as it would happen a middle aged woman, or perhaps a young woman worn out with her life walked past.
she stopped on the edge of the mall where my wifes office is, and sat on a bench outside the window.
on close look, she couldnt have been more than late 30's, but probably only 35.. she sat for a while just looking at the ground in front of her, her face just exhibiting that blank look of the world weary.
The JDubs and Amway--a match made in hell......
by LDH inthere are many perceptive posters here who have picked up on the mlm amway/jdub connection.. however, there are some who are not familiar with what we are talking about.
i thought for them it would be nice to list some similarities between the two organizations.. btw, amway has a new line of business, they're calling it quixtar.
so if you get approached for this, be aware it's just amway.
Disfellowshipping Doesn't Sever Family Ties?
by tergiversator in"disfellowshipping does not sever family ties.".
or so claims the watchtower's official faq.
so, i would like to take an informal poll: how has being disfellowshippid/ disassociated/ inactive/ just having doubts affected relations with your family?