No kidding he's not the same Jehovah of the bible. The Jehovah of the bible would have already sent a scourge, invading army, flaming fireballs, floods, or any other effective means of mass-murder upon humanity by now. Too bad he's sleeping right now - nothing like a little mass-murder to start the day!
JoinedPosts by NameWithheld
Uhh? Which God's that?
by ozziepost inon the back cover of the april 8 issue of awake!
is a little story about two teenagers 'caught' praying at macdonalds.
apparently the two teenagers felt the need to explain to an onlooker that they were praying to a 'different' god, or in the words of the article "not just any god".. i'm curious, which god was this?
The BIBLE is TOO CompleX to understand
by plmkrzy inhonest this started out as just a question, really.
i have a question .
it may seem a bit irrelevant.
To understand the Bible you need the help of the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately when you decided to leave Jehovahs Organization, Jehovah's spirit no longer resides in you. That is why so many are confused in this forum. Everyone throws all kinds of explanations and reasonings on scriptures. Some just don't believe the Bible any longer. Really, it's very sad. See, Jehovah can see what is in our heart. Jehovah refines his own people and basically cleans out the trash. That's what he does with apostates. He sees the pride in their hearts blinding them. He sees their rebellious behaviour toward his annointed servants. And he makes a house cleaning.
Blah blah blah - read that crap in about 400 WTs before. Can't you come up w/ anything original? Oh right, the answer is "NO" since you are not allowed to think for yourself w/out 'mommas' help. If Jehovah is 'refining' 'his people' then he's doing a really piss-poor job. You want pride? Check out the nearest elder's meeting at your local KH.
I can't wait for the JW house cleaning. I predict there will be about 3 JWs left once 'god' 'cleans' house.
by zev inwhen i was a dub growing up, i remember the nightmares..... repeated, and frequent.... the terrible feeling of dreaming that "armageddon" had come, and that destruction was happening all around me.. when i woke up, i would lie perfectly still, and do nothing.
not even a muscle twitch, and just "listen" for a familiar sound, to tell me i was indeed still alive, and still on the planet.. and the fear those dreams put in me, i can still remember 25-30 years later.. how many of you, growing up in, or even coming in as adults had a similar experience?.
learn about the wtbts and the u.n.. ** **
Way ditto here - my more frequent nightmare was being harrashed by 'demons' (Oh they're everywhere!) but I had the constant fear the the big "A" would show up right in the middle of a wanking session - and god would for sure zap me! I always had worked out how long after my 'secret sin' I'd have to wait (praying for forgivness of course) before I might be worthy to survive the big "A" - it ranged from a few hours to days Of course once (or often before!) I'd served my 'sentence' I'd repeat the crime!
hypocritical parents anyone?
by collegegirl ini was reading one of the posts earlier about how hypocrisy among the rank and file really pushed some over the edge.... well, how about this one?
my mom and i were watching pretty woman on tv tonight (edited version).
it is her favorite movie, so i told her i was going to buy it for her.
Larc - that does really expose the JW myth for what it is doesn't it? When you realize that the vast majority of the world could give a crap if you are a JW or not, and don't really care about JWs in general - if they even realize JWs exist it in the context of "Oh those weird people who wake me up on Sat mornings?". Kindof like the Moonies and H-Ks at the airports - I mean who really cares to find out about them? Not many!
Watchtower Letter
by JosephAlward ini received a letter today from the watchtower explaining their reasons for registering with the dpi.
the last paragraph is perhaps the most interesting, though it may contain no new information.. .
joseph f. alward.
Ignorance is not a valid excuse in a court of law - it is YOUR responsibility to examine contracts/documents you sign. If you sign a contract, you cannot later say "Oh I won't fullfill my end because I didn't realize such and such ...." Nope, doesn't fly.
This doesn't change a thing. The FACT is they joined a 10-year relationship with the most hated enemy of theirs - and now want to play the "Oh woe is us, we didn't know what we signed" card?? Hah ha. Nice try.
Religion: The Bane of Humanity
by Adam inso yesterday i showed the receptionist some comments that i had posted on a different board.
the gist of the post was that i thought god's punnishment of the entire human race for the actions of one person, namely adam, was a gross miscarrage of justice.
also that bible tells us of this act, then says that he is a god of love, contradicting it's self.
I've recently once again had it proven to me that as a whole, the worst people I've ever meet are very religious. I try hard not to sterotype, but it's hard not to sometimes. Their god allows them to feel very high and mighty, smug, above other people.
How many hours are falsely reported?
by badboy inin the january 1 issue of each year, they harp on about how many hours the jws did last year etc etc.. how many hours are possibly falsely reported?.
Actually, I would venture to guess that the majority of JWs either hate or intensly dislike FW work - and only go out because they are guilted into doing so, and because it is expected of them by the group. No FS = bad JW = no social activity = lonelyness.
How many hours are falsely reported?
by badboy inin the january 1 issue of each year, they harp on about how many hours the jws did last year etc etc.. how many hours are possibly falsely reported?.
Ha ha. My time slip was the most phoney thing ever made in the history of man . I don't think it was EVER accurate. Let's see, I said the word Jehovah at 6am, went in FS (ok, ok, we actually drove to the mall) then about 8:30 that night (during a commercial) I thought about an RV I could make ... let's see add a few mins to make it 'even', carryu the 2, hmmmm, that makes 15 hours right? Yep, that's about right ...
Divorce and Separation-2/8/02 Awake!
by Mister Biggs inin the past, didn't the society always say that under .
they always cited the scripture that god is hating a .
divorce.. read the imformation above carefully.
Lady Lee,
Ah yes, so glad to be in Jehovah's org - the place of refreshing elders and spiritual paradise, where god takes care of his sheep ....
So nice of "god's" org to require people to resort to these measures just to escape an abusive relationship. Ugg.
Childhood experiences as a JW
by mikepence inwhat was it like growing up as a child, being a jw?
did you fear armageddon with every thunder storm?
agonize over the imminent death of all of your worldly playmates?
Very short, basically I had zero friends. An outcast at school. Stood up by my 3rd grade teacher, who told the class I would not celebrate holidays, b-days, etc. The kids made my life a living hell - and not standing for the pledge made it worse (yes we still did the pledge back then, and holidays DOMINATED school activities). All the while I feared the dark, as I saw demons behind every corner (from a mother who had tons of demon experences to tell). I had a couple of close JW friends, but those faded as I got into teenage years. Once older, delved into the JW world trying to 'become' someone, one of the popular ones. That was not to happen as I think you basically must be born into the 'click' as it were. Baptised at 11, pioneered from 14 on, temped at Bethel, was that an eye-opener - even though I was LOW man on the totom pole - the bethel fellow REALLY torment the 'temps'. Such 'love' is shown in 'god's house'. They even had a 2 hour lecture on how they did NOT care to hear about any ideas we might have, as they already know everything and don't want to change. They don't care if another way is better/more efficient.
Saw cracks around the edges of the org from childhood - lot's of hypocritical elders and things done to the family over the years. Always to 'wait on Jah' of course.
My biggest nightmare - one I had over and over as a very young child - was demons in the house, etc, and calling out "jehovah jehovah jehovah" over and over, and he NEVER once answered - the demons continued unchecked. Woke up terrified on many an occasion after that dream!