: Does Jehovah work through an Organization?
I don't think He's using any group of people right now.
Oh sure.
There are groups who profess to be used by God.
There are those who try to honestly go by the Bible.
But as the scripture says, By their fruits you'll know them.
(where is that scripture?)
Just take a look at the fruits produced by those groups claiming to be used by God.
Every one of them is ruled by humans with human weaknesses.
Every group has added their own rules and conditions wich they claim to have come from God.
Every one of those groups apears to be like ships upon a stormy sea.
Being blown about. Never really sure wich way to go or where they will end up.
Is that what being used by a perfect being is like?
I'm not saying God can't or won't use any person He chooses to.
Of course He can.
He can do whatever He wants to.
But right now, I don't see any group that apears to be used.
If we go into the scriptures, any person that was being used by God had proof to back that claim up.
The prophets, the appostles, Moses and Jesus.
EVERYONE of them had the proof and showed it.
They weren't tripping over themselves trying to cover up their false teachings.
So is He using anyone theses days?
Not that I can see.