JoinedTopics Started by matt2414
Jehovahs Witness n Retention rates !!! Check this out.
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara ina study of religious retention rates–that is, what percentage of people raised in a particular church or religion stay with it when they are grown–is quite interesting.
jdubs have alittle over 36%.
JUNE 2019 Watchtower: Higher Education - HQ & Bethels are populated with evil, educated folks!
by The Fall Guy inhow alienated from jehovah and un-christian so many bethelites must be, who finished their higher education and gained their degrees!
i don't know how they can live with their consciences!.
pages 6 & 7, pars.
Gay ex-JWs who were in special full-time service
by matt2414 inare there any gay ex-witnesses on here who were in special full-time service such as circuit work, bethelite, mts, or missionary work?
when and what country?
i was always told there were a lot gays in full-time service but it always felt very lonely.
Watchtower Now Considers Elders to Be Clergy Class
by Roger Kirkpatrick inmy father's uncle and spiritual mentor, benjamin ray kent, had been a deacon (ministerial servant) in watchtower founder c. t. russell's home ecclesia (congregation) in brooklyn, and also served as russell's personal secretary at brooklyn bethel.
after attending university my father served a 5-year prison term during world war ii, supposedly for his loyalty to god.
while his mother's proud and patriotic family disowned my father for his decision, it was his uncle ray who regularly visited him in prison.. that is the culture in which i was raised, and for much of my life, i took great pride in the belief that my father was a man of integrity to god.
Defend Jehovah's Witnesses.. False claim from opposers of JW's--Creative Day..
by James Mixon in"the creative day" how long was each day?
maybe this was posted before but i found this site.. search the above site.
2016-03-11 US BOE Re: 2016 Bethel Visitors Information
by wifibandit inmarch 11, 2016 to all congregations in the united states branch territory re: 2016 bethel visitors information
Bethelities, GB field service?
by James Mixon inthe time they actually spend knocking on doors and cart work??
Are baptisms under the age of 18 valid? Can one baptised/dedicated prior actually be dfed according to law?
by EndofMysteries inin a business law class i've been learning all about contracts.
i wonder if for all of those who were baptized prior to the age of 18, if the wt/elders could be forced on our insistence that our dedication/baptism as a minor was made without proper mental capacity and that it be declared invalid, henceforth having never been baptized then family,etc, would be free in wt's eyes to treat as any non-jw vs shunning as an ex-jw.
Impressions of the Governing Body; who's smart, who ain't?
by Room 215 inbased on what we've seen, it seems to me that of the seven, splane and jackson are the smartest; herd, lett and morris the least intelligent; and sanderson and losch somewhere in the middle.
what's your impression?.