JoinedTopics Started by Raimundo
Is Jesus a Created Being? Debate with a Pastor
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/ro6q_osgkns?si=hyxualluhruwvjnb.
—colossians 1:15 from the nwt says it plain as day: “he is the image of the invisible god, the firstborn of all creation.” that’s not vague; it’s got a punch.
“firstborn” and “creation” sit side by side, and in greek, that second word is “ktisis,” which means the physical stuff—trees, stars, you name it.
1 Thessalonians 5:3....Prophecy ?
by HereIam60 ini've always had difficulty understanding how watch tower interprets 1 thessalonians 5:3 as prophetic of a future event - that the nations will unite in a (false) cry that they have achieved 'peace and security' which will signal the start of the great tribulation.
whenever i've read that passage i got the sense that it is simply stating a general principle... that when people are complacent and off-guard, thinking everything is o.k., peaceful and secure then sudden unexpected events hit them harder and they don't know what to do.
when i was first coming in (1980s) i well recall the "true peace and security" book that made a big deal about the un having declared 1986 'the international year of peace'.
The Governing Body have a lack of self awareness in this discussion
by ukpimo indavid splane's infamous pandemic "land of the living" speech will be shown at the midweek meeting in 2 weeks.. https://www.jw.org/en/library/jw-meeting-workbook/march-april-2025-mwb/life-and-ministry-meeting-schedule-for-march-3-9-2025/.
in this item,.
7. demonstrate trust in jehovah’s organization.
by Raimundo ini wanted to share with you a letter that is circulating in some spanish-speaking congregations.
it is about the covid-19 vaccine and the governing body.
there is an english translation that i got today and i put it in the links.
Jehovah’s Witnesses or Jesus Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 inkeith writes.
you have just touched on a flawed doctrinal belief that is foundational to false religion.. first, it is important to understand what false religion means when they call themselves jehovah’s witnesses.
by this, they declare themselves to be “witnesses of the father” despite the fact that jehovah is not the name of god at all, but a concoction of human origin from the dark ages.. here is the flaw:.
Sorcery = Pharmakeia
by KerryKing inrev18:23 '....you deceived the nations with your sorceries'.. the interlinear for sorceries reads pharmakeia.. bible hub has some interesting definitions, i'll try to share screenshots below.
the gist of it is that sorcery involves drugs/medicines/poisons, with or without spells, sorcery is not the same as witchcraft or divination, or white/black magic.
i have long wondered about the connection between the medical/pharmaceutical industry's symbol of the serpent wrapped around a pole/stake, and the use of the word pharmaceuticals/pharmacy.. considering the common use of fluoride in public drinking water, nsaids with side effects such as depression, brain fog, dizziness, and opioids, mrna gene therapy, vaccines and so on, i wonder am i going mad, are these all coincidences??
Are you glad you got the Covid Vaccine? Did it help?
by liam ini didn’t get the covid vaccine, but i admit, i was scared as shit i made the wrong decision because there was so much confusion out there.
practically all my family and most of my friends took the vaccine because everyone was depending on those in charge to speak the truth.
now a lot of them are sick, and they can't figure out why.
Are You Confident With Covid Vaccines and What Officials Say Is The Right Thing To Do?
by minimus inmost of my friends have gotten the vaccines and are quite confident that it’s just what the doctor ordered.
i’m not confident with dr. fauci.
i don’t like the fact that the makers of the vaccines are not held responsible if someone taking the vac develops an illness or even death.