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Help! Help! My son wants to tell elders about me
by LostMyReligion ini am floundering!.
today my jw son told me that he had seen an email in our family account written to me from an exjw.
it contained very little, but enough to let him know that i was in contact with outsiders about my doubts and feelings.
McVeigh vs Death Penalty
by Amazing ini am a policitcal conservative, at least a fiscal conservative and sociel moderate.
i support the death penalty, but i agree that our judicial system needs to overhaul how wwe treat criminals to achieve better rehabilitation results.
and of course, withhold the death penalty in cases where there could be doubt.. in mcveigh's case, i believe that he deserves the death penalty.
Deism- A Religion for the 21st Century?
by Big Jim indeism - a religion for the 21st century?.
more than 200 yrs ago deism made its mark on history.
many noteworthy people including a number of the founders of the united states were deists.
What Would You Say Is a True Wittness?
by Big Jim indid you ever read in the scriptures where christ told his followers to meet at a certain time to go and witness?.
did you ever hear christ tell his followers to count there time?.
better yet did christ ever have regular meetings to attend?.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE for True Believers
by Fire indear brothers and sisters,.
in the times of the old testament the prophets foretold of the coming of a saviour,a son of god, a king of kings.
the pharisees, being imperfect men, interpreted these prophecies to mean that a literal king would be coming to nation of israel.
What's So Special About These One's?
by Englishman inim intrigued by the jws teachings re the 144,000 and i would much appreciate some input.. i mean, is their any real scriptural back-up to say that a set number of people will go from earth to heaven, or is this just a witness interpretation thing?.
also, how does this remnant become aware that they have a calling?
does the wtbts tend not to persecute these ones, if they hold views that would be deemed as apostate in others?.
Adoption by Jehovah's Witnesses is blocked
by expatbrit inadoption by jehovah's witnesses is blocked .
the independent - united kingdom; may 26, 2001. by brian farmer.
a couple originally approved by a council as adoptive parents have been refused permission by social workers to adopt a child, because they are jehovah's witnesses.
Dear Apostates, just suppose....
by TheApostleAK in...that the watchtower bible & tract society really is jehovah god's earthly organisation.... wouldn't that make you all "vessels made fit for destruction" (romans 9:22 - 24) by being opposers of jehovah god and his true organisation?.
just making this warning so you can't complain to jehovah god when his "fear-inspiring day" (joel 2:11) comes that you weren't told.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
this message has been brought to you by the watchtower bible & tract society.
Adam to be Resurrected - Yes?
by Focus inwill adam be resurrected?.
(anti-flipfloppery class)
All us on the board need to pitch in to help JanH
by jelly injanh,.
i have noticed several times when you refer to americans you use the phrase 'merkins'.
now as far as slurs go that one is pretty lame, really i have lived here all my life (32 years) and i have never heard any american talk like that.