JoinedTopics Started by seven006
Helping my new buddy Malcom out.
by seven006 in" full of "shit.".
" it's at the beginning of a sentence and when you start a sentence it is proper to use a capitol letter. will mean nothing so moan on this little sight oh watchtower u are so evil boooo hoooooo.
For forgetmenot, my concept of god, reposted
by seven006 infirgetmenot,.
here is a cut and paste of a post where i gave my concept of god.
i enjoyed our conversation in chat last night and again, i appreciate your view point.
Saying I'm sorry
by seven006 inthe words "i'm sorry" have been misunderstood in today's world to sometimes give the person who is saying it the position of being weak.
as if they are less than perfect because they are admitting they had made a mistake.
i see the opposite to be true.
AlanF, Dannybear, misconceptions and humor
by seven006 inthis is the internet, simply put, none of you know anymore about who the other really is or should judge them by the lack of emotional smiley faces in their sentence structure.. first to danny,.
we have spoken on the phone and exchanged a few emails and i consider you a good friend.
you are much like alan in many ways and in others very different.
You make me laugh and you break my heart.
by seven006 inshelby, .
i will say the same thing to you as i said to shelby.
i read your posts when they are a flower and i think you are quite a woman and you posses so much love and understanding.
Simple questions for my buddy Duns.
by seven006 induns/dan, i have followed the posts where you and alan have gone at each other debating the interpretation of old watchtower articles and the correct definitions of latin terms.
it's about as much fun as watching women's underwear drying on a clothes line.
since alan is a good friend of mine and my statements saying that i do like you are genuine i thought i might be in a position to ask you a couple of questions that hopefully give all us standing in the bleachers watching the game a little better insight on exactly where you are coming from.
Personal philosophies of life
by seven006 inin another thread i made a few comments about what i thought on the subject matter and i then realized that only a few on this board know where i am coming from on my over all thoughts.
not that anyone cares but since i never really introduced myself a few mounts back when i started to post here i thought i would do a little bit of that now.. the following post was written about five years ago on an old email group (philia) some of you may have heard of.
it was the first exjw group i had come in contact with an it is also where i met my good friend alan f and his wife.
having fun with Robert
by seven006 inin another thread robert (you know) and i had a connection.
i learned that he use to roll joints with bible pages.
i did the same as a jw teen.
The Horse's Ass Award for May 2001
by seven006 inin every news group, discussion board and chat room there seems to be a few individuals that never seem to completely grasp the art of thinking.
their need to disrupt and irritate reach superstar status in the realm of stupidity.
the desire for attention and recognition though sophomoric post's and chat room spamming becomes as much a part of the entire internet experience as the valuable and useful contributions of others.