JoinedTopics Started by siegswife
Who Would You Like To See As The Next President Of The USA?
by minimus ineven if they aren't running, who would you like to see as the next president?
The Bible VS. The Word of God
by writetoknow inmany elevate the scriptures (new world translation, etc.
) and the accurate knowledge of as greater then the word of god.
subsequently, putting their faith in the men that interpret the bible for them.
WHAT would YOU do? Teen issues.....
by onlycurious inmy oldest daughter is a handful.
she has a mouth that just doesn't seem to stop and today we got into it .....again.. well, after a bunch of crap coming out of her mouth, i smacked her on the arm and told her to quit the talking to me that way.. then, it got worse when she kicked me.
geez, how would you have dealt with this kind of thing.. i told her i'm going to send her to a camp this summer where they put her on a giant kite (parasailing) and make her fly off a cliff.
A comment my father in law made yesterday to me...
by roflcopter ini talked with my father in law yesterday... he is very much a simple minded man, deeply fanatical about the religion.. he said to me "you do have to realize that it's the truth, you see the truth never changes like other religions".
i wanted to vomit in my mouth, but i just remained silent, no need to draw undue attention to myself, or about my true feelings.
as far as anyones concerned i'm just inactive.. but i was on the tip of talking about many things that change, and if they change they say the light is getting brighter.
Does God REALLY exist? (An Attempt at an Online Bible Study)
by theMartian inwith the global village now teaching evolution as an absolute fact, and the 'creation museum' making a mockery of the bible, any bible study should begin with this question!
however, the biggest hinderence to learning truth is clinging to concepts we've accepted as 'truth' without being willing to take a closer look at other possibilities.. i ask that ridiculers have fun on other postings, so that it might be possible to enjoy comparing what we have learned, how we see things- and also share what we have found to be facts-truth!.
(and i will not "count the time", as promised; that's unimportant to me, anyhow!).
Is Jesus becoming less relevant - even to Christians?
by nicolaou inone thing many jw's could do was quote jesus, although whether or not they lived up to the so-called 'christian ideal' is questioned by most of us.
conversely, many others who call themselves christians are much nicer people!
they love, they are generous, charitable and willing to give - but they are unlikely to be as familiar as we are with the details of jesus life and ministry as recorded in the bible.. i don't have a problem with that, it's what people do that matters!.
Discussion on beliefnet
by siegswife ini'm hoping that someone can help me out a bit with a response to someone over at beliefnet.
they gyst of the thing is this person keeps insisting that, according to some elders and active jw's they know, the wts does not nor has ever claimed that a person has to be associated with the org to be approved by god.
this person claims the wts says that "christianity" is god's organization and that as long as a person conforms their life to the bible they don't have to be a jw to be approved by him.. they also say that the wts doesn't teach that all other religions are worshipping (giving honor) to satan.
Who is Jesus? Is he God?
by BelieverInJesus ini live in memphis.
months ago, i had some jw's come by and talk with me.
i'm a believer in the holy bible.
National Healthcare for the USA
by sammielee24 injust an fyi for anyone interested - there is a major drive on to push the bill forward for national healthcare in the usa.
you can sign the petition by going to it has gone through one part of the process last year and now the push is on to get it moved to the next level - it is backed by over 400 groups including the uaw i believe.
it is no longer if it happens, it is only a matter of time as to when it happens.