Since I'm new I can't add too many names, but I do want to mention my dear old friend who found me and told me about this site, Pettygrudger. Love you Petty!
Lilacs has also been very sweet and I can see she is just a dear! (Hugs to Lilacs).
thank you for your encouragement.
i was so impressed when my wife called and told me i was mentioned on the jwd thread "who are the smartest posters here". i felt bad for the truly smart posters on the board who were linked in any way with the likes of me, and disappointed that not enough credit was given to those as oldhippy, janh, norm, kent, hilarystep, larc, pathofthorns, jt, and hawkaw all who should have been listed near the top with the others identified.
how does one recover from being shunned?
my family is shunning me.
so is everyone i grew up with since i was raised in the borg.
(((((((Elsewhere))))))) and ((((((((all the rest of you!)))))))))
This thread has truly touched a raw spot for me as well. No thread yet has made me cry the way this one has! I too was raised as a jw as were all of my family (and extended family.) All of my friends were jw's too of course. When I left 5 years ago, df'd actually (on purpose), it was as if I was jumping off of a cliff into the unknown. The scariest thing Iv'e ever done! The reason it was so scary is just what all of you have been talking about. The shunning is VERY traumatizing! I do think that it breaks their hearts to do it tho, and that gives me some strange sort of comfort, guess knowing they still love me?
Not a day goes by when I don't greive the loss of my family and friends, sometimes it's just for a moment, but it's still there. The crying spells are less now, thanks to time I guess..but reading threads like this just bring it all on again.
I agree with what many others have said, fill your life with new friends and family and with as much positive activity you can fit in! Know and remember that we are all here too and that we understand and really do "feel your pain".
that is quite a story! Good luck with finding the necessary interview clothes. Some towns have groups who supply people in need office type clothing to help them get started. Not sure who you would contact for that, I just remember that in the past a group had asked my office for donations of clothing for that purpose.
Back in the 80's I used to interpret sign language in our kingdom hall for the deaf who attended. I wasn't very good, but they were very patient with me. I first was introduced to the deaf community by a good friend in Ann Arbor Michigan. I met him when I was very young and we became good friends by the time I was 12. He was deaf from birth and never seemed "odd" to me. I only mention that because of all your early experience with hearing people, I'm so sorry you suffered so much because of their ignorance. Do you know anyone from that area? We may know some of the same people.
Keep your chin up and best of luck to you!
seems that the page view out number the posters who actually reply to the thread.. my guess is that there's alot of active jws who are still active within' the so called "truth" are visiting this forum and reading all the threads.
i don't blame them for not wanting to reply for fear of being found out.. how many of you were still active when you found a forum like this one and lurked around for a long time?
how many of you left the organization as a result of reading this forum or other forums like it?.
I found this site because an old dear friend of mine told me about it. I have been df'd for about 5 years now, but have never "lurked" or anything. Not that I wouldn't have, it's just that 5 or more years ago not many people were involved in this kind of thing, no one was talking about the internet much when I was in the borg. Anyway, I'm glad she found me and I'm glad to be here. Any of you who know of others who are df'd or left recently (or many years ago) look them up if you can, it might be a nice surprise.
i just found this from
i knew there was piramideology involved in their early hocus-pocus but it seems they could not even keep that lie a consistent one!!!
it was in may of this year that i resigned as a minsterial servant and stopped attending jw meetings.
i made a fairly clean break from my congregation without the typical disassociation process.
while some areas of my exit were very smooth others were extremely difficult.
we all know the witness position of this subject.
i think they simply do not understand human nature.
they say that birthdays make a person self centered and egotistical.
i was born into the witnesses in 1962, i was disfellowshiped when i was 18, because i decided to marry a catholic.
our first son was born 4 years later, and thinking i had to teach our son about god, which in it self is not a bad thought, so the only thing i new was the jw's teaching's, and yes i went back.. it took them 11 months to decide weather they would reinstate me, 11 month's of no one talking to me, no one coming to see my new baby, allways leaving befor the meeting was completely over, so as not to feel any more hurt then nessecary.
after i was reinstated i proceeded to raise our 3 children as jw's.
i was raised in the truth since the age of 6 and at the age of 16 i was close to getting baptisted by then i recieved a chance to play college footbal so i fail off, but over the past year i've been striving to finally get dipped and i am at the point in my life were i've been there and seen it all, now i want my future wife to be a dedicated , baptisted servant of jehovah.
so the search is on.
please include age , years of dedication, children or not , & city
my girfriend read it on her brother's web log.
) now she's all confused.. many thanks.. binky,.
god of fridays and shaving cream afros
LOL, you guys are too funny! (organ vs. piano thing)
From what I remember, the "feeling" was you were not supposed to donate organs. When I first got my drivers lisence it came up and I remember wanting to but being convinced not to.
I'm happy to announce that I am now an organ donor and proud of it!!