Not all. Many only see " THE CARROT." Millions are trapped because they want to live forever in a paradise earth. They are so focused on that belief system that they have become captives to a concept and thus follow those who you say are like terrorists, namely, "The Governing Body" "The Legal Dept.," "The Writing Dept.", Those at the top.
Millions go through the motions and will do as you say, no different than those who in the first century were willing to go into the arena and commit suicide knowing full well that they would be eaten alive by the lions, because they too followed a belief system. True they themselves were not terrorists', just as many Jehovah Witnesses are not terrorists.
It has always been that the many follow the few.
This is the way of all belief systems, from the Japanese Kamikaze's who commited suicidal missions against US. warships during World War Two, to the present day.
Read "The True Believer" Eric Hoffer. Its a penetrating look into the minds of the fanatic and how an individual becomes one.
Terrorists are often ready to sacrifice relatives and friends for the Holy Cause, and that is what The Governing Body is continuing to do. Those at the top support this. Those at the bottom follow.