A legal profession in most of europe and some parts of the USA as well.
by nicolaou 171 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A legal profession in most of europe and some parts of the USA as well.
I'm pro-life, always will be.
Those who say pro-choice are talking about unborn children as if they're a commodity. What about their choice?
You're here today aren't you? Are you enjoying life? That's because your mother decided to keep you.
I feel it should be a last resort, but if the health of the mother is in question, rape or insest. I would try not to be too judgemental. Not my body, and I hate laws that tell people what they can and can not do with their bodies.
... a lot of wonderful people have been born from woman who were raped.
You said it well Nic.
I believe its too personal, and nobody should tell another what to do with their own body. But I feel that--barring special circumstances like previously mentioned--I just wish there was an alternative.
As a JW I was dead against it, but my beliefs now are like you said.
I haven't read the whole thread, but it seems that someone mentioned prostitution. I think an adult should be able to whatever they want with their own body, free from duress. Liscense it, tax it, make it safer. And just because its legal doesn't mean someone has to do it. Drugs, sex, go for it.
my views have grown and matured over the years. I never really thought about it much as a JW. The problem didn't arise. But early on when I was out of the org. an acquaintance asked me to drive her to the doctor for her abortion and told me her story - I thought it was a better choice, considering the circumstances, until I found out she had had seven previous abortions. Then I said "Jesus Christ have you ever heard of birth control?" I was shocked. I met another woman who had eight abortions because birth control was "unnatural." I just looked at her until she blushed and said, "well I guess abortion is unnatural too." So, while I believe in a woman's right to choose what happens with her own body, I also see that some folks are just too damned lazy to use birth control and they shouldn't deceive themselves - they are killing little babies. But, although it's something I probably wouldn't have done, had the problem occurred, I leave other women to make their own choices. I just think it's a shame to keep having abortions, very selfish, when having your tubes tied would solve the problem. It's a complicated issue, there is no good choice, but sometimes abortion is a better choice depending on the circumstances.
My opinion on abortion has completely changed. As a Witnes I thought life began at conception and abortion was murder. Now I think women should have the choice to decide to be a mother or not and though abortion is killing it is not murder and not wrong at all.
Better to have 7 or 8 abortions than to have 7 or 8 unwanted children. If one is too impaired developmentally, emotionally, or financially to find an easier method of birth control 7 or 8 times (in a western country where other methods of contraception are more readily available), I don't want to imagine the lives of the children that would have come from that person.
Life is life
I'll come back to it later JO
But in short you used the argument of third world countries to counter Restrangled'spost and I just wondered at your committment to third world countries...............but your right third wold countries are not part of this argument.
Also you earlier said having an abortion is murder........I wondered if you had your own daughter and she was given a choice her life or her babies which you would see for some that is the choice, and it is not a pleasant choice to have to make.......albeit one of legalised murder in your opinion.
There are many sides to this argument, many personal circumcstances........and my experiences have taught me not to be quick to judge or label others.
I haven't read all the posts here so if this has already been covered I apologise.
I am no longer against early abortion, e.g. a 3-day old human embryo consists of 150 cells called a blastocyst. Such embryos could help countless millions of sick people through stem cell research. When such embryos are destroyed for stem cell research they do not have any formed brains or neurons so there is no reason to assume that they feel pain. Stem cell research could offer potential cures for most diseases or injuries that people suffer, including cancer. To put it into context, there are more than 100,000 cells in the brain of a fly, so killing a fly could be said to be causing far more suffering than destroying a blastocyst.
Many people say, as I used to, that conception begins once the sperm fertilizes the egg and, therefore, life has started. The truth is, as shown above, that in the early stages there are no neurons so there is no pain to be felt. The problem is that abortion is such an emotive subject, with anti-abortionists saying even a blastocyst is life and to take such is murder. But what about the fly?
I can fully agree with anyone who is against the termination of a fully formed fetus, but I don't believe any woman who undertakes to have a termination does so lightly. Only the woman (and possibly her husband/partner) knows why they feel they must go through with it and it is not for us to judge and to have that poor soul carry the label of "murderer" on their shoulders for the rest of their lives. They go through enough angst as it is!
So, in answer to your question, yes, I have changed my mind.