Have you changed your mind about ABORTION?

by nicolaou 171 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • skeeter1

    When was the last time you had to make that choice, and do you actually have empirical evidence to back up that statement?

    What a witchy thing to say! You have pee'd me off terribly with that snide little statement.

    You have NO fricken clue what choices I and my spouse have had to make regarding children & family, or the losses we have sustained. I've watched two of our unborn fetuses die. I've been on both the adoption & the fertility road.

    Adoption costs $15,000-$50,000. The people that I've met in the adoption classes were well to do, college educated couples who, for the most part, waited too long to bear a child. They have the means and the maturity to raise a child.

    Foster children. I lived across the street from a wonderful foster mother. She brought in alot of kids, and took care of them. . For the most part, these kids were in "holding" waiting for the bad parents to lose their parental rights, and a well-meaning relative to get custody & pass background checks.

    Yes, some kids who are in foster stay there. But, why do you think they are there? They are really, really bad parents. These kids have had NO upbringing, have extreme emotional (and usually sexual) problems. Would you like to adopt a child who watched porn with his father, shooted crack with his mother, and raped his own sister? Yes, this was one of the kids my neighbor had.

    I was brought up a JW. Not a great upbringing. I was abused, I was hit, I watched my mother get beat up. But, I'll take being alive verses being aborted.

    There's my empirical evidence to your witless statements.


  • BrentR

    I am still glad my parents were pro-life.

  • aquagirl

    sorry,but i think that there are WAY too many people in this world.humans are soo arrogant,that they think they need to fill up every hole in the universe,w/themselves..i dont know if id have an abortion,but i sure as hell would want to have the option to.if not,what next?no birth control?for fear of eliminating possible future little republicans?..im prochoice.and proeducation..i also think that just cause you can reproduce,dosent mean that you should. or even have the right to.if you cant take care of your spawn,that means that it will be someone elses responsibility,and that isnt what i signed up for.see,if i had designed humans,id be more like a bird.if you WANT spawn,than its work.you need to sit on your eggs for a month and prove that you want it..hiho..blame it all on flawed design!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I hate to see any development of life abruptly stopped in it's tracks, such as abortion in humans, and that goes likewise for animals too

    it is the cause of this that I regrettably support the personal freedom of pro-choice with it's attached regulations, as it stands today .

    Just because your pro-choice doesn't necessarily mean your not pro-life.

  • journey-on


    Journey On do you buy fair trade?

    Also do you have kids of your own?

    I don't understand. What do these questions have to do with my last post?

  • restrangled

    Skeeter1, I am sorry someone sent you a bad message. I thought this was an open discussion board, free from labeling others and all were free to post our opinions in public with opportunity to debate.....in public.

    I think it stinks someone sent you a PM that was hurtful.


  • skeeter1

    It was not a p.m. It was a post. It ticked me off.

  • journey-on

    Same here, Skeeter. You had the courage to call her down about it. Good for you, and well said.

  • restrangled

    What post are you refering to Skeeter I must have missed it...sorry.


  • skeeter1

    Here's the post that got me in a PMS mood.

    Yes, adoption is a better answer than abortion, in most situations.

    When was the last time you had to make that choice, and do you actually have empirical evidence to back up that statement? It'st he "you" that pissed me off.

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