Earnest:That is the same as saying the foreigners fleeing from Egypt had to stay with the Israelites but it was still God and Christ (the Rock) which was saving them through the Red Sea etc.
isaacaustin :Except for this simple detail. We know exactly when Moses was appointed directly by God to his postion. It is recorded for us. The WT has attempted to appoint themselves to this position. So an analysis of that claim is necessary and proves to be anything but true. We both know the Wt denouces any who leave the org- they deem it impossible to keep one's relationship with God and Christ UNLESS in touch with the org- they placlaim themselves (and only themselves) as the spiritual israelites.
isaacaustin : I am not arguing whether or not the WT are appointed. I am saying that it is nonsense to suggest that Jehovah's Witnesses do not approach God in prayer through Jesus and/or do not believe that he offers his ransom sacrifice on their behalf simply because the WT teaches that the word 'mediator', when used in scripture, is used in a legal sense. I agree that they do "they deem it impossible to keep one's relationship with God and Christ UNLESS in touch with the org- they ploclaim themselves (and only themselves) as the spiritual israelites", but this is different to substituting themselves in place of Christ. As I explained in my previous post, an analogy can be drawn with the foreigners who fled with the Israelites out of Egypt. While it was God and Christ who saved them by parting the Red Sea, providing water and food in the Wilderness, and leading them by a Pillar of Light (if I remember correctly)...those foreigners would not have been in a position to be saved if they had not stuck with the body of Israelites. Whether or not that association of "spiritual Israel" with the nation of Israel is tenable is not the point I am making. The only point I'm making is that it is nonsense to say that Jehovah's Witnesses teach or believe that Christ is not their saviour.
wobble : "Earnest" wants us to substitute "go-between" for mediator, O.K lets do this in 1Tim2v5&6,
" there is one go-between God and men,a man,Christ Jesus,who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all"
How does that change the truth that Jesus is the way the truth and the life,that he alone explains the Father,that we approach the father through him alone,and God responds to us through Him alone,and His ransom is for ALL.
No F.D.S or G.B in between,no one else needed to explain scripture,no limit on the number who can take advantage, in faith, of this go-between, just me Jesus and The Father,show me from scripture where you read differently.
wobble : I do not read it differently. You express the point I am making very well. The only term that refers explicitly to the "anointed" is the word 'mediator' because it is used in a legal sense. I have no argument with your statement above and do not believe the WT would argue with it either.