We've travelled a long way together on this thread,and thanks again to all that contribute,but we don't seem to have an answer to the first question,
to summarise "If as the GB claims today,they are God's Channel because Jesus inspected them in1919,and found they alone were giving some spiritual food,or doctrine if you like,that no other group were,so Jesus could make up his mind and appoint them over his belongings,
What is that Doctrine or teaching?
As has been pointed out,other groups taught more of what is considered today by the GB to be truth in 1919 than did the Bible Students,so where is this teaching,plainly seen in scripture without spiritual gymnastics, that singled them out in 1919?The one that Jesus said "yes I plainly taught that,and they alone are teaching it in 1919",if Jesus couldn't see that,why pick the Bible Students?
If it cannot be produced then the JW/GB is LYING about being appointed.
as the JW's claim to be in "The Truth" this should be very simple to answer.