Reniaa just fudges that question and refuses to admit that 1919 is part of the required doctrie for JWs or else...
by wobble 389 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Reniaa just fudges that question and refuses to admit that 1919 is part of the required doctrie for JWs or else...
Reniaa Pls answer Besty's question then I have a question. If you answer yes to besty's question- on what basis do you say that Jesus hand-picked the WT? Exactly what proper food were they dispensing at the time period leading up to 1919 that made them special?
Besty, Reniaa just fudges that question and refuses to admit that 1919 is part of the required doctrie for JWs or else... A&G, take away 1919 from the eqaution and what are we left with? That is the only claim the WT pins their self-proclaimed status on. Their claims of 'we are the truth because of what we currently teach" are total bs. Even if we assume they are right on the 'biggies' as reniaa would call them, other churches teach those same things.
They are not even right on the biggies, as I debunked her on most of her points...
The reason it's so important for Reniaa to both face and answer this question is because the teaching of their 1919 selection has to be believed by all Jehovah's Witnesses whether there is any scriptural backing for it or not. Jehovah's Witnesses class beliefs such as these as part of the 'body of Christian teachings that have become part of the Bible'. Much like the 1935 sealing date, there is no backing for it in the Bible itself. However, Jehovah's Witnesses make no apology for this. It is to be regarded as one of their 'unique beliefs' and as a result it must be accepted, believed and taught by all who wish to remain as Jehovah's Witnesses.
So, if the Organisation is truly backed by Jehovah God, would he hinge a person's salvation on a teaching that can't be backed up in the Bible?*
Reniaa, please consider the question; did Jesus choose the Watch Tower Society in 1919?
*Reniaa has claimed that the Trinity doctrine can't be backed by the Bible/or does not stand up to Biblical examination. However, does the 1919 teaching fair any better?
I think Reniaa got smacked in the head with some factual truth on the JWS
and I don't perceive her retuning here any time soon.......silly girl should have known better
For a person that hasn't stepped inside a KH for 11 years it really poses a question what are her intentions to post
her supportive comments of the JWS
I just had a look at "Topix" a light weight site she haunts,and she as good as admits she got her ass kicked over here,but says she hasn't time to reply to us!
She really is I think mentally challenged,at lest in the debating department,but I wonder if it is deeper than that,she seems intent on distracting people from the truth about Da troof,which means that all her posing as sincere is pure shi*e,she just wants to confuse lurkers so that they don't leave the Borg. Why? If she has to use satanic methods i.e lies to further her ends wwhat does theat make her?
"I just had a look at "Topix" a light weight site she haunts,and she as good as admits she got her ass kicked over here,but says she hasn't time to reply to us!"............So Reniaa posts on another board,she does`nt have time to reply here..???..LOL!!...........................Besty asked Reniaa a "Yes or No" question..How frigg`n long could that take?..LOL!!.....Reniaa will either tell Besty the "Yes or No" question is loaded,so she refuses to answer ..Or..She won`t answer Besty at all .....................................Lance totally demolished Reniaa..He may never hear from her again!..LOL!!......................
It should be easy to answer - most JW's would feel compelled to answer yes and most non-JW's would feel compelled to answer no.
Reniaa's silence is an indicator of an untenable position, and silence is in fact her only credible option.
Besty..Reniaa knows when she`s painted herself into a corner.....She`s done it often enough..LOL!!..........She may wait until she thinks you`ve forgotten about your question,before she shows up again............I`ve stayed on her for days about a single question..She said she answered it...........So I stay on her....Finally she say`s,she won`t answer because the question is loaded..Which means she lied about answering the question,in the first place...........And..She wonders why I think she`s dishonest..LOL!!....................