I think this camel's back is broken (the final straw)

by JimmyPage 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    Here's an interesting side note: I was considering DA'ing right after the Super Bowl. I figured watching it with friends would be my last JW association. I didn't DA because I didn't think my wife would understand. So all this is actually dovetailing in an interesting manner. I think God is angry with me for not DA'ing already LOL!

  • shamus100

    Just remember, Jimmy - your wife is trying to 'help' you. (cult term meaning get that f*#@! bad-apple out of the box) She doesn't know what to do; her world is crashing down around her. She's following jehobers instructions.... (bleah!)

    Reality is a real bitch. I'm sorry that you're both going through with this.

    Personally, I'd re-consider just fading fast and permanent. But only you know your life and what's best for you - stick to your guns and do it. End the charade, stand up for yourself in whatever fashion is the best for you.

    Take care.

  • JWdaughter

    Good luck JP. Might want to schedule a marriage counseling session without asking her first and tell her she has to show up. See how that works for her.

    Yah, I know, not a mature response, but I am not claiming to be mature here:)

    I wish you and Mrs. Page only the best, no matter the outcome of all the JW mess.

  • skeeter1

    Join a gym and start doing excercises during the "meeting times." It sounds like you need a stress releiver, and a gym is a great place to work on YOU.


  • skeeter1

    I did not mean the YOU to be offensive. I want you to get selfish a little. You deserve to be thinking of you some. A new routine and new friends is going to make this all easier. And, exercising will help you blow off some steam and stress.

  • out4good3

    I just don't think I could come home after a day at work and have a homemaker wifey who spends my money flat out tell me that she went behind my back and spoke to the PO about something so rediculous and in the past. I would be furious, and ask her if she would like to move in with them and have THEM work and provide for her? She'd be sure to get the picture that her ass would be out on the doorstep wondering what the hell happened if she crossed me again.

    I'm with you there WC. If my wife had tried anything like that with me, the only thing that would've beat her out the door to the curb is all her bullshit WT publications.

  • sacolton

    Get that letter ready. You don't have to answer to three men (janitor, painter and a window washer) in a kangaroo court.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Has she already told the elders what the topic is? Would she be willing to cancel the date with them? I would just tell her she set it up, she can go alone.

  • crapola

    Hey , sacolton, don't put down janitors. That's how I make my living!!

    Sorry about your problems JP. Wish I could help.

  • oompa

    well....i prefer cameltoe...........oompa

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