
by sayitsnotso 91 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sayitsnotso

    I'm beginning to have some doubts about my doubts. This subject is one of them.

    Many argue that it is unfair, unloving, and unjust for God to destroy 99.9% of all mankind at Armageddon. But didn't this happen before in the days of Noah? At this point some may argue that the flood never happened. I'm interested in answers from a point of view that the bible is inspired and infallable. It is with this premise (whether or not some of you may say is false) that I'd like to discuss this.

    If Noah's flood destroyed 99.9% of mankind, then why is it so hard to accept the same will happen at Armageddon?

  • notverylikely

    But didn't this happen before in the days of Noah?

    No. The geological, fossil and historical records disagree with there ever having been a flood.

    Secondly....let's try that "It happened before so it's OK this time" argument on something else...."It's not cool for you to rape this little boy." "Oh, no problem, I already did it before." "Oh, well, carry on, then."

    Doesn't seem right, does it?

    As far as the infallible part goes...sorry, you're just an apologist stacking the deck in your favor. But, what the heck, let's play that game.

    Why IS it OK for god to kill everyone? Because he is god? God was the one that hurt Job, not Satan. At least, not the first time around. God was the one that offered Job to Satan. God is the one that either gave man free-will and then killed them all for using it or he created them pre-destined to go that route. Either way, God is a douche that needs to be in an insane asylum.

  • sacolton

    I would like to ask how you think Armageddon is going to happen? Noah had an ark to save him, his family and two of each animal. What do you suppose is the "ark" that is to save us today?

  • sayitsnotso
    Doesn't seem right, does it?

    If this is what really happened, who are we to judge God's rightfulness to make these decisions. If he created us, doesn't that give him the right to say what he expects from us if we are to continue living? If we rebel, how is that any different than what Satan did?

  • sayitsnotso
    I would like to ask how you think Armageddon is going to happen?

    I do not know. Since Revelation is mostly symbolic, no one can say for sure how it will come about. So how could one know what type of protection that would be provided to survie. Obviously, wouldn't God be capable of providing whatever is needed if he can bring about Armageddon?

  • jookbeard

    no it does not give that evil destructive Hebrew megalomaniac god the right, I get fed up with that stupid analogy as well, I'll carry on judging the bastard unless it comes out and says "hi" a bit more , until that time comes I'm still doing my judging and it's still in my bad books.

  • sacolton

    Exactly. No one knows. Not even the Watchtower who claims that safety is within its organization. So, what is the "ark" for mankind today?

  • isaacaustin

    Hmm the Wt is the ark? Here I thought that Jesus was the door, and anyone seeking to enter thru any other means was a thief and a plunderer.

  • sayitsnotso
    Not even the Watchtower who claims that safety is within its organization. So, what is the "ark" for mankind today?

    Well, I'd like to say this is one reason I'm weighing carefully my decision on whether or not to stay in the org. Yes, they claim the org is the ark, but that premises does make sense if the org is truly God's organization. I realize the reference is circular. A discusion about it being God's org is for another thread. I'm still interested in viewpoints regarding why it is so hard to accept what the bible says, especially since 2 Peter references the Flood in comparison to Armaggedon.

  • notverylikely

    If this is what really happened, who are we to judge God's rightfulness to make these decisions.

    So it's OK to rape a woman because you're bigger and stronger? Might makes right is the argument you are making. Supposedly we are rational beings created with free will yet, when we make any other choice than what god wants us to make, well, that free will is gonna cost you your existence. And remember, it could be for something as arbitrary as trimming your beard!

    If he created us, doesn't that give him the right to say what he expects from us if we are to continue living?

    So a parent should be able to kill their child for arbitrary disobedience? Really? I mean, after all, they created the child and fed and clothed and taught it.

    If we rebel, how is that any different than what Satan did?

    Rebellion? Actually, can you show me in the bible where is said satan rebelled and tried to take god's power?

    And simply saying "No thanks, I prefer to live my life my own way." is not a rebellion

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