Know I will agree that critial thinking is not the same as rebellion. How can it be?'
*** km 9/07 p. 3 Question Box **
? Does “the faithful and discreet slave” endorse independent groups of Witnesses who meet together to engage in Scriptural research or debate?—Matt. 24:45, 47.
No, it does not.
*** w83 1/15 p. 22 par. 21 Exposing the Devil’s Subtle Designs ***
21 How is such independent thinking manifested? A common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by God’s visible organization.
*** w83 1/15 p. 27 pars. 19-20 Armed for the Fight Against Wicked Spirits ***
Yet there are some who point out that the organization has had to make adjustments before, and so they argue: “This shows that we have to make up our own mind on what to believe.” This is independent thinking. Why is it so dangerous?
20 Such thinking is an evidence of pride. And the Bible says: “Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling.” (Proverbs 16:18) If we get to thinking that we know better than the organization, we should ask ourselves: “Where did we learn Bible truth in the first place? Would we know the way of the truth if it had not been for guidance from the organization? Really, can we get along without the direction of God’s organization?” No, we cannot!—Compare Acts 15:2, 28, 29; 16:4, 5.
*** w58 8/1 p. 460 Dawns a New Era for the Irish ***
Fear has a great hold on the people. People are afraid of what their neighbors, their friends, relatives and clergy might think if they were even so much as to read the Bible on their own. For centuries the clergy have dominated their lives, told them what they can read, what they should believe and do. To ask a sound religious question is a demonstration of lack of faith in God and the church, according to the clergy. As a result, the Irish people do very little independent thinking. They are victims of the clergy and fear; but freedom is in sight.