Whats with all the strawmen?..
If calling out those who follow self-promoters and charlatans bruises egos and creates animus that's just a price which has to be paid, imho.
I called you out on a natural remedy and all you do is Blow Smoke..
You can`t back up your claim Homeopathy causes Harm or is Quackery..
The FDA dosen`t support you..
I'm not interested in "credibility...
No Shit!.. It`s Terrys Way or the Highway..
This is a Discussion Board, like it or lump it.
Yes it is a discussion board..
You posted your Opinions,which don`t Hold up to Scrutiny..
I replied..
I can back up what I say..You can`t..
I can understand if someone doesn't understand a subject and is willing to intelligently discuss it..
You have been Arrogant and Condescending to most of the people who have answered your thread..
Leaving no room for Facts,or any Opinion but your Own..
Your not the intellect you pretend to be..You simply don`t have the tools..
Your ill equipped to face the real world
Bullshit and Strawmen are your only Defence..When faced with a Truth that "does`nt" Suit You..
Those are not the Tools,of Someone in Search of Truth..Those are the Tools of someone who Demands to be Right..
.................................. ...OUTLAW