DO you follow any of these quacks, charlatans, liars, mystics or self-promoters?

by Terry 127 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindmelda

    Jaguarbass, Dyers new stuff is quite different from his books on Erroneous Zones. He's shaved his head, wears Buddhist robes, goes barefoot on stage and sounds like he's trying to start a New Age religion when he talks now.

    Erroneous Zones wasnt' bad self help stuff, I only had one cognitive quibble with it, and I can't even remember what that was now, but his new stuff is really OUT THERE.

    He sounds like he's been taking a little sugar cube trip once in a while these days.

  • journey-on
    I simply cannot find any way for anybody to discover what "god" means outside of common agreement.

    How do you discover anything, Terry? How did you discover that jazz is not mindless noise? How did you discover that blondes are not the only women you can be attracted to? Think about it.

    If you are looking for a big man-in-the-sky like Father Zeus or something, then you will probably continue to be the cynical curmudgeon you have presented yourself to be on this thread.

    If you wait for scientists to discover a tool whereby this intelligent force can be proven and communed with, then you have missed the opportunity to be that tool yourself.

  • designs

    Any of the TeleEvangelists ................. maybe there should be a FCC ruling against Hair do's with to much Hairspray and TeleE's wives with the TammieFay face plaster job.

    For pure entertainment I like the opening credits to True Blood showing the Jump-Shout-n-Holler Fundi's warming up for a crusade............

    GeeeezZuuus yaaHoooo



    Whats with all the strawmen?..

    If calling out those who follow self-promoters and charlatans bruises egos and creates animus that's just a price which has to be paid, imho.

    I called you out on a natural remedy and all you do is Blow Smoke..

    You can`t back up your claim Homeopathy causes Harm or is Quackery..

    The FDA dosen`t support you..

    I'm not interested in "credibility...

    No Shit!.. It`s Terrys Way or the Highway..

    This is a Discussion Board, like it or lump it.

    Yes it is a discussion board..

    You posted your Opinions,which don`t Hold up to Scrutiny..

    I replied..

    I can back up what I say..You can`t..

    I can understand if someone doesn't understand a subject and is willing to intelligently discuss it..

    You have been Arrogant and Condescending to most of the people who have answered your thread..

    Leaving no room for Facts,or any Opinion but your Own..

    Your not the intellect you pretend to be..You simply don`t have the tools..

    Your ill equipped to face the real world

    Bullshit and Strawmen are your only Defence..When faced with a Truth that "does`nt" Suit You..

    Those are not the Tools,of Someone in Search of Truth..Those are the Tools of someone who Demands to be Right..

    .................................. ...OUTLAW

  • Terry

    See the James Randi videos below

  • Terry

    See James Randi videos below

  • Terry

    See James Randi videos below

  • Terry

    This may be a bit more entertaining from JAMES RANDI

    Videos for james randi homeopathy
    James Randi explains homeopathy
    15 min - Nov 16, 2006
    Homeopathy Explained
    15 min - Jun 3, 2006
    James Randi, "Head-On" and Homeopathy
    1 min 40 sec - Mar 31, 2008
  • Finally-Free

    I'm gonna find me a good witchdoctor who will paint himself up, rattle beads, chant and dance around me. I'm certain he will cure my diabetes, high blood pressure, gout, back problems, restore the missing bone and cartilege to my knees, and cure my erectile dysfunction. I'm just angry that neither my provincial health care or company health plan will pay for this. I can't imagine why.


  • BurnTheShips
    I'm certain he will cure my diabetes, high blood pressure, gout, back problems, restore the missing bone and cartilege to my knees, and cure my erectile dysfunction. I'm just angry that neither my provincial health care or company health plan will pay for this. I can't imagine why.

    It's all on the way. Hang in there and keep yourself as healthy as possible so that you live long enough to benefit from the therapies. It won't be quackery, but sound science.

    Diabetes? And is your high blood pressure statin-resistant?

    RNA antisense technology (it basically blocks the expression of undesirable genes):


    Need to regrow cartilage?

    This will provide the molecular scaffolding necessary for your stem cells to attach in your joints and differentiate into new, strong, cartilage:


    They are already able to grow new teeth. Bone shouldn't be far behind:


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