>>To argue that no matter what you believe that Jesus may reject you through predestination makes faith in him meaningless.<<
You don't read too well. All the ones that Christ chooses shall be the right ones, because Christ does NOTHING wrong. Those ones shall believe the right way. Don't you have faith that Jesus will choose all the right ones without the demand of men telling him who to choose?
First, everything has been predestined to die, EVERYTHING, by Satan the Devil. You cannot deny that fact. Without intervention by God, ALL things would be bound to death forever. Now God intervenes by way of a plan. Out of ALL THE WORLD that is predestined to death by Satan, of which God already knows EVERY SINGLE PERSON that will come into being bound to death from birth, He PREDESTINES SOME of those bound to death, to life, by way of adoption.
That is His right. That is what He has done. That is what shall come to be.
ALL men being predestined is a fact by way of the simple truth that God is omniscient. If God already knows ALL THINGS, including the destiny's of all men, how is it you feel you can argue with omniscience? That's a pure lost battle. God knows EVERYTHING. NOTHING is hidden from him. Including THOSE CHOSEN and UNCHOSEN. It's written down. If God did not know ALL destiny's of every man, then God is NOT omniscient. The Bible CLEARLY shows he is:
Heb 4:13
13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Did you get that? NOTHING is hidden. EVERYTHING is laid bare. Including your freewill choice. That's what makes you so naked before God. You can't hide ANYTHING. Even your destiny is as naked and laid bare as your two cheeked heiny.
>>Clearly he chooses people for his purposes.<<
He chooses who will live or die. That's HIS choice NOT yours, especially over your own life.
>>..but that is different from saying that he rejects some from salvation regardless of their beliefs because he wants to.<<
Then you are saying man's will supercedes God's will. Men have NO SAY in anything regarding their life. NADA. NITS, NUTTIN. They have NO RIGHT to even direct their own steps as even their very life does NOT belong to them.
Jer 10:23
23 I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own;
it is not for man to direct his steps.
But you DON'T know that man's life is not his own. You think your life is your own. To do with as you will. WRONG. Your life is in God's hands to do with as He pleases. You are not fit to direct your own steps, yet you feel you can supercede God and direct your own steps and believe something that will MAKE him save you.
Ha! Nothing you can do can MAKE God have to save you. You are saved by grace, NOT YOUR DESIRE to be saved. Even your desire is poo poo to God. He'll save you if that's what He darn well feels like doing. You can't do anything to stop it, or cause it.
Rom 9:16-17
16 It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy.
Your desires or efforts are MEANINGLESS regarding your butt being saved or not. It depend's on God, whether He darn well feels like it or not.
>>That would mean that you could say that you believe in Jesus which the Bible says is the key to salvation, yet Jesus says that is not enough because he rejected you. It doesn't fit.<<
Go read about the dudes who say "Lord Lord, didn't we beleive and do all this wonderful grandiose crap in your name" (paraphrased of course)...those guys are GONERS. Proof positive that saying you believe doesn't get you saved. Why? Because these dorks chose Christ, Christ did NOT choose them. They're outa here...
>>God clearly knows what choice you will make. But his knowledge of your choice does not make it predestined such that you lose the ability to make that choice.<<
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. You just said without the circular confusion: God knows your end but that doesn't make it mean He knows your end. If God already knows your END, then you have no choice. All you are doing is going through the predestined motions. You are NOTHING. YOU are FULLY naked.
You have no free will. Freewill is a decpetion. Freewill is a lie from Satan the Devil. The person who thinks he gets to decide what's right and wrong is in for a reality slap. God dictates right and wrong...no one else.
>>And his knowledge of your choice does not start with his choosing which of us will chose him and which ones he decides will not. If that was the case what is the point? Why do any of this if the decision has been made for us?<<
That's the whole point. You're bound to sin ON PURPOSE so you CAN'T choose. Your being enslaved to sin from birth GIVES YOU NO CHOICE over being good or bad, because you come out bad from your mother's gut. Bound to sin with NO CHOICE on the matter. Now, God has to decide for every man, because EVERY MAN IS BAD.
Your only HOPE is that you are chosen to become good. That is my HOPE.
If you are NOT chosen, who are you to argue with God? I have texts to back this whole enchalada up. Want them?