Publishing Cult gets publicly reproved on You Tube !

by koolaid-man 148 Replies latest members adult

  • MrFreeze

    Rick is a proponent of "bad publicity is still publicity". I think he wants to dig himself into a hole because he'll get more listeners.

  • wasblind

    I used to think he was a good guy , but after seein' how he treats the people

    who stood up for him, I've changed my mind, I need some hot sauce to go

    with the crow I'm about too eat, because I even posted in earlier threads

    that I thought he was a good guy

  • PublishingCult

    “By the way , where is Publishing Cult , Is he hiding his head in the sand!”

    Actually, WC Fields, I’ve been sick in bed all day with the flu.

    “Publishing Cult can sure dish it out and speak his mind..... However when people on You Tube want to comment on his outbursts of false statements, he simply blocks them. PC stopped allowing post to his YouTube videos about the Six Screens of The Watchtower. He obviously was not getting support for trying to further his agenda. Please note ... The Six Screens website , It's You Tube videos and The Conference Call allow all to comment, whether its critical or positive. PC if you can't stand the" heat get out of the kitchen"

    Publishing Cult posting on an earlier thread had this to say..... one of Rick's staunch supporters, poconoporker, on youtube, who seems be rather enamored with RF's body of work, has mirrored my last two vids about RF and states I am resorting to WT style tactics. I thanked him for mirroring my vids. It went from me trying to patiently and rationally discuss people's concerns with what appeared to be me eating one of my own, but it turned into petty ad-homenem attacks- I must be gay, blah blah blah. I blocked comments for a while and ratings until the crazies stopped beating at the door . . . for one day. I forgot to enable the ratings on one of the videos and now I am dishonest. I am afraid the majority of people are on Rick's side, apparently. Link to poconoporkers You Tube comments Publishing Cult does not want you to see. Scroll down read channel comments. ...

    Rick I have read this entire thread and I didn’t see a single poster jumping in to support your position and your issue here.

    Instead of responding to my emails, my direct questions about this Saturday’s conference call in which the only delight and pleasure I would ever have derived in any way is to have exposed you and Johnny for the low deceptive hoaxing 3rd rate con men that you are, you, instead of being true to your word and posting the audio from the Church conference call of 4/10/11, you post this subterfuge, this distraction, this childish. pathetic, ugly expression of your bitter homophobia and bigotry? I can’t really think to add a single thing to what has already been said to you by the members of this xJW community . . .

    What we will not be blocking this week on The Six Screens of The Watchtower conference call is one of our critics daughters nasty email.... We will read her disgusting email lasced with profanity and what an embarrassment it will be for those related to her

    So, you are going to try and publicly humiliate an 18 year-old, are you? That’s awesome.

    Who is this young lady? Is this your daughter, Rick?

  • watson

    Be careful PC, you might get pepper sprayed.

  • lovelylil


    Sorry to hear you have been sick. I was in bed sick for 2 days myself. Feeling better?

    Rick can TRY to take on my daughter but she is well educated, articulate, and was raised to ask questions..........there is No Way SHE is the one who will be humiliated, I am not worried. I hope Rick does read the letter, it will prove that he lied YET AGAIN. For my daughter did not use bad language in any way, she simply told him she doesn't like him and why.

  • lovelylil


    You may be an embarrasment to your children but believe me, my lovely daughter is never an embarrasement to me or Ray. She is beautiful, intelligent, artistic, kind, and believes in equality of ALL people. Even if she did use bad language (a charge she denies), so what? She is a kid who got upset because someone upset her mother. Are you serious with this? Stick to the are supposed to prove Johnny the bethelite is not a fraud. Of course, we know you can't do that, so you are throwing up all these smoke screens.

  • PublishingCult
    Be careful PC, you might get pepper sprayed.

    LOL, not sure what that means. I am asking about Rick's daughter only out of fairness. If Rick is going to dangle another's child publicly and hold her up to ridicule, I would like to do a side-by-side comparison. Rick sees no problem with using his child as built-in supporter and minion of his cult. I am wondering what kind of psychological and emotional effect it's had on the young lady . . . ?

    Sorry to hear you have been sick. I was in bed sick for 2 days myself. Feeling better?

    My GI tract was poised to release its contents from both ends for a while there, and I suspect it might have been either light food poisoning from Roberto's Taco Shop last night or a 24 hour bug, not sure, but yes, I am feeling much better after sleeping all day, thank you. Hope you are feeling better, too.

    And I have no doubt your daughter could handle herself admirably with Carney, Rick Fearon.

    Oh, and Dick, since poconoporker went on his little homo-cidal rampage in your bigotted behalf, I have gained five more subscribers on my youtube channel, some others have been made aware of your ridiculous absurdities by his mirroring my vids, and you have lost what little respect and empathy anyone on this forum had left for you. Thank you for the subsciptions, thank you for validating my last two videos denouncing you, and thank you for making good use of the rope I provided you in hanging yourself.

  • Nickolas

  • sizemik

    Mr Fearon . . .

    What we will not be blocking this week on The Six Screens of The Watchtower conference call is one of our critics daughters nasty email.... We will read her disgusting email lasced with profanity and what an embarrassment it will be for those related to her.

    Is this part of your plan to bring down the WT? . . . why do you want to embarrass people? . . . why do you have this insatiable desire to keep hurting others??

    Mr Fearon . . .

    Looking forward to Steph being on the call. Bear in mind it could get heated....... so be prepared.

    The apparent relish with which you look forward to such events is quite disturbing.

    I have followed closely most of the events / posts / interviews / videos etc on this site, your site, and PC's. I have absolutely no vestment of interest in the outcomes. I am from the 'other side of the world' you see . . . New Zealand.

    What I can offer is an 'outsiders' viewpoint . . .

    You appear to me to be a highly ego-driven man with a need . . . similar to what we call down here as "little man syndrome"

    Satiating that need drives you to dubious behavior . . . and you quickly morph into a sensationalist, nasty, disgusting individual.

    Some weeks ago I posted on your thread and respectfully suggested you re-think and re-present yourself.

    All I can do is offer the same encouragement . . . LOOK AT YOURSELF MAN!

  • lovelylil


    Please post the email you say you recieved because my daughter is denying your claims that it was laced with profanity. What profanity was it, darn? hell? dagnabit?

    She will be there to defend herself since she is 18 and can speak for herself, but I am telling you right now, you had better reconsider trying to throw an 18 year old under the bus like you did her mother because you will have ZERO supporters left for your little six screens circus calls.


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