An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • N.drew

    Jay, please explain what you mean.

  • tec

    Hmmm... what?

    Because you are describing limited free will to me.

  • N.drew

    There are world problems as numerous as the sand of the sea. This thread has brought up two. Hunger and natural disaster. I tried to bring up another big problem, it was squashed. Also I tried to introduce into the discussion that the big problems we know are dwafted by the one big problem which the bible writer recognized as the ruler of the world. Christains want a peaceful transfer of Earth from the wicked one to the righteous one. That is the solution to ALL the problems. But world says "hell no, we won't go". The solution begins by identifing why the world says no.

    Oh everyone, why not explain what is wipple about that. I am getting very sad about you all. Yes, all. Even the ones who haven't said a word? Yes, especially them.

    Oh, before you start thinking about insulting me again, please consider this. You all have your feelings, but some of you keep saying my feelings are unfounded. How is it you are entitled to yours, but mine have no good reason?

  • PSacramento

    I wanted to apologise for what I said and how I said it on Friday.

    It was a long week and a stressful one and I brought that on to this thread, sorry.

    These questions are never easy to answer and not because there is NO answers but because not every likes the answers or even agrees with them.

    We tend to wnat things to be the way we WANT them and things are NOT that way.

    Something is the way it is because that is how it is, agreement or whether we like it is NOT relevant to it being the way it is.

  • N.drew

    HaHa The ultimate irony! The only one* who has not offended me by either ignoring me, or down right insulting me has come to apologize. I realize it is a blanket apology, that he doesn't mean me. But wow! Heaven knows a good joke when they see one!

    *OK I should be fair. AGuest has not offended or ignored me, but we all know, she wouldn't ignore satan either** Peace honey.

    Also please note that I don't know what you are apologizing about PS. But if I may, I will be first to accept your apology. Thank you PS.

    **that doesn't sound good, does it? It can't be helped, all I know how to speak is wipple.


    PSacramento We are all driven by emotion and sometimes act out of stress but you are being too hard on yourself. I read your comments last Friday and thought they were spot on. Everyone else has been expressing their opinion and you have the right to as well - though your humility is touching.

    Hope you are having a better week now.

  • tec

    You have no need to apologize to me, PSac. I said something similar some pages earlier. Though I also felt bad about losing patience, and apologized as well.

    Lots of love to you,


  • tec

    I am getting very sad about you all. Yes, all. Even the ones who haven't said a word? Yes, especially them.

    This thread has saddened many believers (Psac and I to the point of commenting on it as well)... and not because of the 'logic' being shown, or the threat to our faith. Simply because of all the misunderstanding about God and His Son, and what seems like sometimes, an unwillingness to even consider what another person is saying.

    Now I imagine that this thread is frustrating to the other side as well. But we should be able to disagree with another person's belief/thoughts, without attacking them or being attacked, ourselves. Shouldn't we?

    But beyond all that, I think I will stick with the coffee shop analysis. Because it makes ME feel better! There are some from either camp who CAN respect some from the 'opposite' camp. That is something to be happy about, to find peace and joy in.



  • jay88

    Because you are describing limited free will to me.


    I don't know what you mean by "limited free will" nor was I looking for a definition of any sort.

    I just wondered why a parent would bother using the mitts at all?

  • N.drew

    Thank you for responding Tammy. I don't know why I left you off my friends list. You have been kind and I remember even you complimented me. So if there are a thousand people on JWN and one gives me the time of day, and then I hit her, I give every one else a reason to hate me. I can see that is heaven's problem too. But it took me many months and a hundred times as many insults to finally throw one back. I apologize Tammy. Please accept my apology. I am not sad about you. The starving children don't even make me as sad as the cold, hateful hearts I see. Why do I stay?

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