An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AGuest

    Couple things (peace to you all!):

    I did not post what I did to insult Jer; seriously, Jerry doesn't effect me like that, dear ones. Really... he doesn't. I simply did as dear N.drew (peace to you, dear one!) stated: held up the mirror. I assumed that since he had not problem holding one up before others [here, the "faces" of God and Christ], he SHOULDN'T mind having the same done to him (because only a hypocrites would have such a problem, yes?). Did I think he WOULD mind? Yes, of course - he is a hypocrite. Did I think some others would, as well? Yes... for the same reason. But I didn't care - I am not SUPPOSED to care. He can mock ME and call ME all the names he wants to - no biggie. But one can't expect another to just continue slandering another's child... or parent... and not have the tables "turned." One certainly shouldn't expect that from the Body of Christ: neither Christ remained silent when the Pharisees accused HIM... nor did the Apostles... nor did Paul. It was only to the "superior authorities"... Pilate, Herod, and Caesar... that they so bowed down. But to others... including, on occasion (often, even)... they were QUITE frank, QUITE forthright... and sometimes even scathing.

    Since I have told you as regards the Spirit that is in ME... that you expect less is... well, only further indication that you DON'T know. Even so, some of you are apparently expecting WAY too much of ME... and I have told you from day one that you shouldn't do that. If you ignored that... that's on you. I am NOT "nice"... in and of myself. I am FORTHRIGHT... when it comes to the spirit... EVEN if someone's feeling may get hurt. My Lord was (what, you don't think the priests, scribes, and Pharisees got THEIR feelings hurt, felt insulted, etc., when he spoke the truth to THEM? You have NO idea...).

    But, as dear N.drew said... and THANK YOU, dear one, FOR UNDERSTANDING... I did it out of love... a kind of love some of you simply cannot fathom. May NEVER fathom, actually. It is similar to the love "Paul" showed Peter... when he called that one on HIS (Peter's) hypocrisy... in front of everyone: to shame him and shake his butt up... so that he would LOOK at himself... and STOP it.

    Now, some might want to take issue with all of this, under the guise and VERY misused position that, "Well, YOU'RE a CHRISTIAN... and CHRISTIANS don't speak to others like that." Well, before you go there I would say to YOU that you might want to go back an read how christians... INCLUDING Christ... DID speak to others... when such others called for it... by THEIR words and actions. You would have go back, though... all the way to Abraham (a christian), if not before.

    If you did, you would find that THERE IS NO COWARDICE involved in this... none at all. It isn't about "tickling" people's ears... or saying nice, light, flowery stuff... so that they will "love" and regard you. To the contrary, the cowards are OUTSIDE the kingdom.

    I owe Jerry love, yes. Regardless of whether he is my brother... or an enemy. I have never considered HIM an enemy. Since Jer has never showed himself to be my "brother", however, but, to the contrary, responded to and attacked ME as an "enemy"... from day one... I didn't... and don't... owe him the "courtesy" that my Lord is recorded to have spoken of at Matthew 18:15-17. Because there is no one to take with me to try and turn HIS [lack of] love around - there is no "congregation" for me to go TO with regard to him. He has made HIMSELF, as far as ME, "of the world." And so, I treated him accordingly - but with LOVE. Meaning, I could have let him continue in his blasphemy/hypocrisy, saying, "Heck, he ain't MY problem - let him "burn" himself...".

    But I didn't. I simply held up a mirror and said, "Okay, you're mad at God for what you think He did/doesn't do; why shouldn't folks be mad at YOU... for the SAME thing... especially if, as you say, there IS NO GOD? Who, then, do YOU blame for what YOU did? Who CAN you blame? No one... but yourself. I mean, if there is not God. Right?"

    So, think as you will. See it as you need to. But make NO mistake: I would... and will... do it again. In a heartbeat. Regardless of whether you approve... or disapprove.

    Again, peace to you all!

    A slave of CHRIST... NOT man...

    SA, who, like Peter... WILL wield a sword for my Lord AND/OR my Father... and if an ear gets cut off in the process will look to HIM to return/heal it... while forgiving ME... because HE knows MY motive and intent... just as he knows that of those who "oppose" HIM. And if you think the "sword" from MY mouth is "sharp"... wait. You haven't seen a thing: his is two-edged!

  • N.drew

    OUTLAW, that is one ugly picture, but I believe in my heart that Gollem is uglier.

    MAYBE the trouble we see on all the Earth is for so we don't all end up looking like Gollem.

    Can you prove it isn't?

  • AGuest

    "Gog," dear S+G and N.drew (the greatest of love and peace to you, both!)... are those mentioned at Matthew 25:41-46. They are the ones who are "cut off" from entry into the kingdom, the Holy City, New Jerusalem, and so are misled by the Adversary (after his release from the abyss) to come AGAINST the "City" along with Magog (the wicked spirits who join them). These are those who Satan "gathers" to the "War". The place of that war is "Har-Mageddon"... the plain where the City lies.

    They come against the "City" because, through "three unclean inspired expressions that look like frogs" (that come out of the mouths of the dragon, wild beast, and false prophet) they are misled to believe they can ENTER... so as to gain access to and eat... from the Tree of Life. Which is is the MIDDLE of the City (Revelation 16:13, 14, 16; 20:7-9; Genesis 2:9). The "City"... is made up of PEOPLE... and God and Christ "reside" in the MIDST of these. (John 14:23; Revelation 21:16-22)

    The Most Holy One of Israel will NOT let this occur, though. That Tree... is Christ... and the Most Holy One of Israel will not only not let these enter but they will NEVER eat from that "Tree". Thus, HE is the won who wages war WITH them... by bringing fire down... from His very nostrils... which devours them... Gog... AND Magog. Thus, the heavens (Magog, spirit beings) and earth (Gog, human beings)... that are "stored up for fire"... are destroyed... melted away... "with a 'hissing' sound." (John 15:1; Revelation 20:9, 10; 2 Peter 3:10-13).

    After which there will be a NEW heavens (a spirit realm with NO evil/wickedness/rebellion) and NEW earth (a physical realm with NO evil/wickedness/rebellion). Because ALL things... the spirit AND the physical... willl be made NEW. (Revelation 21:1, 5)

    I hope this helps... and my apologies to the OP for yet another deviation...

    Peace to you, both... and may JAH bless!

    YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and fellow slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Finally... dear Gladiator... the greatest of love and peace to you. Your post made me cry... and I don't cry... often. VERY rare, actually. But... thank you. Truly.

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the MOST Holy One of Israel and God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose name is JAH... of Armies... and the love and peace of His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, my Lord, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH... be upon you, if you wish it... you and your entire household... to time indefinite.

    Again, thank you... and peace to you.

    YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and slave of Christ, to time indefinite,


  • N.drew

    Thank you aGuest you are very good with words. Yes, that is how I also see it. It does not deviate from topic though, really it is the answer to the topic. For spirit, good or evil, is not resticted by time. Gog is the cause of the starving children, not God.

  • soft+gentle

    thank you shelby for clearing that up - you are much clearer than N.Drew - no offence to you N.Drew as you do make me laugh

  • undercover

    "undercover? do you see your name? no? It can't be helped.

    OK so someone wants to ask (but I could be wrong) if Nancy is a participant in "gog's crowd", but the fingers just won't hit enter. Haha. OK gog doesn't know gog is gog , that's why gog is gog. So logically I wouldn't know would I? Nope, I wouldn't.

    Hey Mr undercover, you don't like it?"

    What in the fuck are you talking about?

  • jay88

    Even so, some of you are apparently expecting WAY too much of ME... and I have told you from day one that you shouldn't do that.


    I hear you Shel.

  • N.drew
    What in the fuck are you talking about?

    If you don't know the Word of God, then to you I'm not talking.

    I am sure that if gog knew gog's self gog wouldn't be gog. Too many gogs for you?

    It must be funny because "what is done is done" which is also funny because it was a unicorn that said that!


    AGuest, I am touched by your post. Peace to you also.

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