by settled I mean civilized as Able was whilst the hordes on my understanding would be like Cain who became an outsider and had to go away and live like one.
so how is gog present now? and how are they a threat to the earth? do you mean capitalists
by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences
by settled I mean civilized as Able was whilst the hordes on my understanding would be like Cain who became an outsider and had to go away and live like one.
so how is gog present now? and how are they a threat to the earth? do you mean capitalists
The Christians have explained how they are able to reconcile a God of love allowing suffering.
The very "god" and "christ" that they would have no idea of, without the bible(that they cherry-pick), and word of mouth.
reconcile or justify?
so how is gog present now? and how are they a threat to the earth? do you mean capitalists
LOL!!!! No, but good joke, very good. $, I believe is a member of the divine drama. But gog does not need money to be gog.
20 questions!!! Fun! Fun!!
Well said, Gladiator
We who are about to die, salute you!
I like your hat!
I think it is OK to make fun of gog.
Actually, I believe it is healthy!
1. I don't know what I'm talking about
2. I do know what I am talking about but then I can't also be Christain, because the truth is; making fun of anyone isn't healthy.
3. gog is someone who can't not be gog.
Choose, or die.
A picture of..
My Gog..
This thread...
it's enough to gog a maggot...
undercover? do you see your name? no? It can't be helped.
OK so someone wants to ask (but I could be wrong) if Nancy is a participant in "gog's crowd", but the fingers just won't hit enter. Haha. OK gog doesn't know gog is gog , that's why gog is gog. So logically I wouldn't know would I? Nope, I wouldn't.
Hey Mr undercover, you don't like it?