You could write a book of insults EP.
by Qcmbr 384 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You could write a book of insults EP.
I said it once I will say it again. Seeking is what true religious belief is. Seek JHWH Seek righteousness Seek meekness. An atheist stopped seeking. Does that mean something sought doesn't exist? No. NONONONONO.
Feel free to believe as you will. You are not wasting your time you are not evil, lazy maybe I do not care that you do not want to find anything Why should I care about what you're looking for or not?
I was driving down a road that had a yard sale sign "Yard Sale this way" But no yard sale. I did not go far enough. It was there. A few hundred yards from where I turned around.
But some people don't like god cus god let's war happen. Some other people don't like god because god let's rabbits happen. Some people like rabbits. Some people like war. Go call them stupid, wasting their time. Chicken?
You should avoid the illusion that you live in a small world in which you can decide there is no God without consequence.
What consequences do you have in mind myelaine?
Given the inate intelligence of human beings hasn't changed much over the past tens of thousands of years, if not for the stifling influence of tribalism, monarchy and religion we might have had the internet a couple of thousand years ago. Back then they'd be arguing passionately about the existence of Jupiter and Neptune while some tiny, fervent sect was putting forward the brand new cult of Jesus of Nazareth.
You can't help but draw parallels. Here and now on this board we have majority members of a very large but disparate group of believers (nominally followers of Christ), each who essentially believes the same thing but who is convinced that his or her individual faith is the most accurate relative to truth. It must be so, because he strives so sincerely to understand. He may unconsciously ascribe degrees of accuracy to what others believe - as in, the Pentecostals have it right only 50%, and the Jews and Muslims have it almost all wrong - and he may just figure that the atheist is just the most wrong of all because what an atheist believes is completely antithetical to what he believes, at least when it comes to something as overwhelmingly important to him as the existence of God.
That same person, as mainstream Christian as he really is, may have already fallen victim to a modern day cult, like the Watchtower, not recognising that he is still a victim and has been a victim all along. What has been ingrained in him by his society, his parents and the accident of his birth remains.
If we could look back and read the squabbling of believers a couple of thousand years ago we'd be amazed at how little things have changed. I wish we could just get over it and move on. Time our species grew up a little.
An atheist stopped seeking
No. I used to have faith every bit as strong as you or Myelaine or Tammy or any other believer I have ever met. I eventually admitted that my faith depended on doing the kind of mental gymnastics and double-think that you and others continue to perform so skillfully. Unlike you I wasn't prepared to ignore inconvenient questions and filter out data that didn't fit.
Now - no fear! If evidence for god turns up - fantastic I am right there with you. If my suspicions are true that this life is the only one we get, that's fine too. If it turns out there is a god and she is the sort of monster who damns people for not believing in her she can go to hell.
You should avoid the illusion that you live in a small world in which you can decide there is no God without consequence.
I do. I live in a big world where I beleive there is no God.
You could write a book of insults EP.
It's not MY fault you keep saying silly things and then get your feelings hurt over it.
I'm sorry cofty. Your faith wasn't based on accurate knowledge.
I should cloister myself and write a Bible.
I am a simple person, so even when I was a JW I was not able to teach that stuff to someone else, because I didn't believe it. My faith has always been in the hippie god. Love power, that's what I believe in!! Peace!! Happy!!
I'd just like to share with you all that I have seen my fair share of trouble. I do not relate my suffering to what God has in mind.
Band? I had neuralgia. I would rather die than suffer it. The doctor finally diagnosed it. I took meds for it. When I grew allergic to the medication the doctor said to stop taking it. I thought NO! But I stopped taking it and the neuralgia was gone. Since then when I get pain that seems to be headed for unbearable I ask God if I might not have to suffer, and it goes away. It's true.
Why do I think one must ask in faith? The reason is if one does not ask how different is the one not asking from every other soul that ever lived?
You should avoid the illusion that you live in a small world in which you can decide there is no God without consequence.
Well, first of all, there is no illusion that the world is small. It's quite large from where I sit. I'm also quite happy that I also live in a society where I have the right to determine that people who believe in some supreme being are probably misrepresenting it. Oh, I also have to right to dismiss vapid threats of some cataclysmic portending for daring to disbelieve the millions of versions of some indifferent supreme entity.
Warm regards,
There are so many flavors of gods its just a matter of picking one and making sure you stay with others who've picked the same as you.
This battle of idealistic flavors has continued since man's beginning tribalism and still continues to this day unfortunately.
Why has it this happen when there is no tangible evidence of a god or gods ?
Mostly out of human ignorance of the world we live, combined with men trying to connect to those omniscient powers
as an upward stature of empowerment for themselves. One could even use the WTS. publishing corporation as an example of this.